Really need a bun name...

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Oct 15, 2012
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Hello all!
I have had my bun for a few weeks now and still can't come up with a name for him. I prefer "people" names for my pets and could really use some suggestions. Thanks :)

**I took the apple away right after the pic, he had stolen it and ran around with it for 5 minutes before we caught him**


I like people names for my mammals too lol Here's a quick list of what came to mind: Martin, George, Seymour, Eliot, Danny, Richard, Willie.
@ Everyone!

Thanks for the suggestions. We are making a short list and trying to match up with his personality- which is somewhere between super laid back and circus performer. Or a little of both. If he isn't flopped, he is free flying over the back of the couch giving me heart palpatations.
Awww, he's so cute!! The first named that occurred to me was Graham. With his colors, he looks like a s'more :D
3rd vote for Seymour!

I have an Archie and Agnes so I hear ya on the people names :)
holtzchick wrote:
4th on Seymour :)

What breed is he? he kind of looks like my bun breed wise and I would really love to know.

GORGEOUS coloring also.

I have no idea what breed he is. I wish I did, though. The closest I can get on his color pattern is a Dalmatian. I think he looks like a Butterfinger Blizzard personally.

My husband is trying to get me to name him Paul Bun-yan. Seymour makes me think of "Seymour Butts" but then I go to Simon, and I like Simon. Or Gallifrey. If I did that, though, my geek flag would be perma-raised.
I love to use human names too for my rabbits. After seeing the photo of him stealing an apple, I thought thief. I googled famous thieves. The first thing that popped up was the the top ten...I am sure you can find more if you like the idea. I love rabbit theives...Paddy O'Hara stole my fork last night while I was eating dinner.

  1. Dismas and Gestas
  2. Prometheus
  3. Robin Hood
  4. Blackbeard
  5. Jessi James
  6. Babyface Nelson
  7. Bonnie and Clyde
  8. Ma Barker
  9. Dick Turpin
  10. Francois Villon
Paddy Ohara wrote:
I love to use human names too for my rabbits.  After seeing the photo of him stealing an apple, I thought thief.  I googled famous thieves.  The first thing that popped up was the the top ten...I am sure you can find more if you like the idea.  I love rabbit theives...Paddy O'Hara stole my fork last night while I was eating dinner. 

  1. Dismas and Gestas 
  2. Prometheus 
  3. Robin Hood
  4. Blackbeard
  5. Jessi James
  6. Babyface Nelson
  7. Bonnie and Clyde
  8. Ma Barker
  9. Dick Turpin
  10. Francois Villon

That's a lot of thieves! Right now I'm calling him "Sir Annoys A Lot". In the last 24 hours he has stolen another apple, ate an important paper, tripped me, my husband, the dogs, and a neighbor. He also got stuck in the dishwasher (after it was clean!)and bit into our Halloween pumpkin.

Right now he's trying to climb up the dining chairs to get to the table where I keep things away from him. I can hear the mischief from another room. :shock:
I was gonna say Freckles when I first saw the top picture. After hearing about the wonderful time your having with his behavior, I was thinking of a name we used--Mr. B, which was short for Beelzebub (Lucifer in a colloquial time). Ours was the cutest and most destructive Netherland ever.
Nancy McClelland wrote:
I was gonna say Freckles when I first saw the top picture. After hearing about the wonderful time your having with his behavior, I was thinking of a name we used--Mr. B, which was short for Beelzebub (Lucifer in a colloquial time). Ours was the cutest and most destructive Netherland ever.

I can think of another B that describes him right about now. He is being unusually bad today. Well not bad I guess, just rabbity. He made all that commotion in the kitchen to steal a dog cookie which I had to fight him for. He then spent 15 mins trying to eat my curtains, knocked over his hay container, scratched the back of my leg when I didn't give him a treat from the fridge, and was just caught eating my sandals.

It's been a long morning.