Laura the Bunsnuggler
Old photo of bubs with Rosebun. Hah I'm sure he'd chew me out if he knew I was posting this unflattering shot of him but poo to you bubs. I miss my big boy Rosey Posey so much. :cry1:

I just realised how small my Shida is lol your bunnies are huge
I've definitely accidentally kicked Oreo in the face on more than one occasion. Not hard, mind you, but she has a tendency to hover around my legs and try to trip me up when I'm reaching for the pellets or hay, and it's caused her to take a couple of hits when I'm turning around.Oh my, that is the saddest thing. It's also one of my worst fears. My bun hops around by my feet when I'm moving around and I'm always so afraid that me or someone else is going to kick him or step on him and injure him. I don't even have parties at my house any more for fear of someone stepping on my Melvin bun-buns.