So after a week of eliminating grass hay from her diet, limiting her pellets and switching her to primarily timothy hay she is no longer having diarrhea or excess cecal pellets and seems happy.
We also got her a black dwarf netherland to play with and they seem to get along pretty well. She's a lot more playful now and no longer poops or pees on the bed or random places and Leto our dwarf automatically started using the litter boxes. He's a pretty independent bunny.
If you are sure of his age then you are safe but the ages are ranges and not exacts. a 4 month old can become pregnant although she is not fully developed and a 3month old (if testicles dropped) could inseminate.
Yea I'm pretty sure it was the grass hay and the added romain we gave her. Now she happily munches on timothy hay and chases Leto around.
She seems a ton happier now and far more affectionate since we got him. She's doing a lot of binkys, flopping around and trying to get us to pet her. Not sure if its because she's happy or afraid Leto will steal the limelight or that we're replacing her lol.
Is the "questions to ask a vet" thread in the bunny 101 section