Well-Known Member
Isis is very pretty; I do see what Pam means about the long body on her, I saw a lot of Hollands but I can't tell them apart from the mini lops!
Actually, I think she seems more elegant with her elongated features.
Hmmm...Not to butt in or anything, but Pam, how can you tell about the fur? How does it look different? What age do they grow into their new fur? My bunny is4 1/2months, and she should have flyback fur. I didn't know it changed...I'd like it if she got fluffier though. :biggrin2:
Hazel, my bun's a mixie too...maybe just to check out a pose? lol, there should be a thread for 'most original mixie' or something.
Personality also is a factor in the pet classes. I like to see personable rabbits that aren't aggressive and don't cower when you touch them.
Now all I need to do is wait for Pam and the lop breeders to come along and prove how foolish my comments are! :shock: Should be interesting.
I love Reese's markings - the full butterfly on the nose....the pattern on the back. I just love her...
I think this is a great picture for her posing...did you take it or did her breeder? I ask 'cause of the background.
Ok - to me - she looks long in body here - I know nothing about crowns and stuff except to me it doesn't look quite right. I can't explain it - almost like it goes back too far? Then again - I don't know lops that well. But to me her body seems a bit long - right around the shoulder area. I also am not sure how a lop's back end is supposed to be - it looks sort of like a sudden drop - not sure if it is supposed to be more of an angle or not. I actually like her rear end - but I don't know the standard. It is her shoulder and upper back area that makes me think she's too long.
I love the width in her face and in the front of he body. I like the bone density for her front legs...they look wide. I like her ear length (but I'm not sure what it is supposed to be for her breed).
When he got into the fruit loops the other day - I could swear he insisted that it was because he was supposed to look like a piano.......(Oh yeah, and it is a mandolin shape! LOL! Good thing he's not supposed to look like a piano! :shock2
BTW - I'm dying at his "hiding behind his girlfriend" - that is Tio - his evil step-brother...