Well-Known Member
I have to say, they look very much like Mocha and Spice as young bunnies! And Mocha and Spice are Heinz 57's -- they weighed between 6.5-7.5 lbs.
And Sky, Magic's daughter is beautiful. I love the coloring on her, she has such a beautiful head. It's so shapely. The markings suit her well. :biggrin2:
Naturestree, they're both girls, lol.
I can't really see the Polish in them. I've told Karlee a few times that they look like Flemish/Checkereds because of their sizes; even though they're still growing. It's possible they have Polish/Nethie in them; that's what she (karlee) thought at first when they were little. Their ears are just WAY too big to be a Nethie or Polish.