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I believe I needto put these on my own homepage for safekeeping.You never know where the day willgo...

The picture SLG drew for Buck when he wasin the hospital. Carolyn faxed it to him and SLG was going to give himthethe real picture at the Bunny Boathouse Party when she gotthe hug he promisedher.



This is the avatar SLG asked me to makefor her when everyone else was posting memorial avatars. She knowsMomma can "put together people" in pictures and since she never got totake a picture with Buck she wanted me to make it look like they had a"happy picture" taken together.


This has been some of the hardest fewdays I've had in a long, long time. I can feel the pain of my dearfriend Carolyn every time I speak with her and there is nothing I cando toease it. I ache for Buck's beautiful wife Helen. Therearen't enough words to expressthose feelings. I hurt for mylittle girl who's Daddy has the same disease that Buck had. She is toolittle to have lost her Grandma and now this kind man who she waslearning to love and hadn't even met in person yet. And even so, shehas this understanding that is clearer than most adults I know.

I sure would liketo see BuckJones sign on again. I sure would like to know that his friends andfamily, and that his wife will sleep peacefully and smile again soon.

I believewith all my heart thathe is full ofpeace and joy. I feel that he shrugged off somuch pain and so many burdens when he departed. And most of all,Ibelieve he would have been so taken back by the love andadmiration that poured forth from the hundreds of people from acrossthe world who cared for him.I'm having a difficult timewrapping it up...I think I'll just have to let the love simmer for alittle while longer before I can say so long for good.

Hey Ras, Your daughter is very cute, loving andpatient little girl. I feel her pain since Buck has what her dad had.Which I don't know what it is but she is very understanding and that iswhy she looks up to Buck and made that special pic for him. When I sawher pic with her drawing I knew that she had been just crying and Itput tears in my eyes too. Take care of her and comfort her for awhilewhich I know you are doing for her. At least she has Sebby to cuddlewith and make her happy.

Helen laughed when she saw what you didwith her picture. She had gotten choked up when we weretalking about the forum and the party as she said, "The one who I feelReally Sorry for is SLG."


We spent theweekend at the lake and SLG is a natural born Lake Rat! She's done itsince she was a little baby. She used to sleep up under the front deckof the boat when she was little tiny.

Here she is with her Daddy going out on the Jet Ski-


Here she is catching up on the gossipcolumns and catching somerays!



She's really, really excited about theBunny BoathouseParty and counts down eachandevery day until we leave for our big drive to TuckerTown!


She is beautiful. I think she will marry youngat the peak age of 18. lol. Does she have anyother siblings or is shethe only child. She reminds me of my neice Samantha. She is now 10 andbeautiful like SLG.
She is the baby! Ihave five kids.....17,18, 19 and 24! Which is why she acts like a 16year old trapped in a 7 year-old body! :p
Wow big age gap. 10 years from a 17 year old. Mysister and I are 7 years apart. She is learning from her older onesthat is why. I did the same with my sister. She and I are the onlysiblings. She will do well and she is beautiful.
Sebastian isgetting practiced up for his big drive to Tucker Town for the BunnyBoathouseParty! Last night we went to the grocery store,the gas station, the taco shop and then Grandma's house! :)Heloves to go in thecar!

He actually got to go into the grocerystore because it was too hot to stay in the car. He had lots ofadmirers!


Aw, Sebbie. How cute. I hopeToby turns out half as good as Sebastian. Then maybe I cantake him places, too.

I love the new pics of SLG. I can't wait to meet you all.


I hope when we get a flemmie or 2 they will dothe same along with our dog Samantha who is a german shep/goldenretreiver mix. She absolutly love every anmimal that comes in our home.

Here she is

This was the day when we had our dog in the room along with both of ourbuns and all of the guinea pigs at the time which was 3 piggies durringfloortime.

We had a wonderfultime in Tucker Town during the Bunny Boathouse Party! I have tons ofpictures to share with you all and will do so over a gradual period oftime, so as not to overload my thread! :pI left Seb in hislonger coat for the trip. Didn't want to embarrass him when he meteveryone for the first time, but it's hot in Kansas and way past timeto get rid of that hot and heavy woolly coat! :cool:It's onlybeen a couple months since we cut it off last, but it grows so fast!

I know how you get your kicksout of his before and after shots, so here you go!



And here's the after! His Daddy justloves him when he has a haircut! He feels so soft and cuddly!:inlove:

And he looks like such a baby!


awwwwwwwwwSebbi looks like a little lambwhat a doll !!!!!!

I love this picture of SLG andSebbi what a beautyboth of them !!!!


Jenniblu wrote:
SLG is so preicous thoughtful, andwise!:inlove: Can you and hubby make another one of her forme lol?
Ummm...If you're taking orders...can I have one too please?She's such a great little girl. You have a lot to be proud of.

I love Sebbie's hair cut!


Aww look at Sebie's new 'do - he looks adorable and cooler. Now all he needs is a speedo and frisbee.

Hey Jen,we should beg Raz's hubby first about making2 more SLG's. Maybe he could talk her into it better than wecould. :stork:

She is a special little girl.

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