Well-Known Member
I believe I needto put these on my own homepage for safekeeping.You never know where the day willgo...
The picture SLG drew for Buck when he wasin the hospital. Carolyn faxed it to him and SLG was going to give himthethe real picture at the Bunny Boathouse Party when she gotthe hug he promisedher.
This is the avatar SLG asked me to makefor her when everyone else was posting memorial avatars. She knowsMomma can "put together people" in pictures and since she never got totake a picture with Buck she wanted me to make it look like they had a"happy picture" taken together.
This has been some of the hardest fewdays I've had in a long, long time. I can feel the pain of my dearfriend Carolyn every time I speak with her and there is nothing I cando toease it. I ache for Buck's beautiful wife Helen. Therearen't enough words to expressthose feelings. I hurt for mylittle girl who's Daddy has the same disease that Buck had. She is toolittle to have lost her Grandma and now this kind man who she waslearning to love and hadn't even met in person yet. And even so, shehas this understanding that is clearer than most adults I know.
I sure would liketo see BuckJones sign on again. I sure would like to know that his friends andfamily, and that his wife will sleep peacefully and smile again soon.
I believewith all my heart thathe is full ofpeace and joy. I feel that he shrugged off somuch pain and so many burdens when he departed. And most of all,Ibelieve he would have been so taken back by the love andadmiration that poured forth from the hundreds of people from acrossthe world who cared for him.I'm having a difficult timewrapping it up...I think I'll just have to let the love simmer for alittle while longer before I can say so long for good.
The picture SLG drew for Buck when he wasin the hospital. Carolyn faxed it to him and SLG was going to give himthethe real picture at the Bunny Boathouse Party when she gotthe hug he promisedher.
This is the avatar SLG asked me to makefor her when everyone else was posting memorial avatars. She knowsMomma can "put together people" in pictures and since she never got totake a picture with Buck she wanted me to make it look like they had a"happy picture" taken together.
This has been some of the hardest fewdays I've had in a long, long time. I can feel the pain of my dearfriend Carolyn every time I speak with her and there is nothing I cando toease it. I ache for Buck's beautiful wife Helen. Therearen't enough words to expressthose feelings. I hurt for mylittle girl who's Daddy has the same disease that Buck had. She is toolittle to have lost her Grandma and now this kind man who she waslearning to love and hadn't even met in person yet. And even so, shehas this understanding that is clearer than most adults I know.
I sure would liketo see BuckJones sign on again. I sure would like to know that his friends andfamily, and that his wife will sleep peacefully and smile again soon.
I believewith all my heart thathe is full ofpeace and joy. I feel that he shrugged off somuch pain and so many burdens when he departed. And most of all,Ibelieve he would have been so taken back by the love andadmiration that poured forth from the hundreds of people from acrossthe world who cared for him.I'm having a difficult timewrapping it up...I think I'll just have to let the love simmer for alittle while longer before I can say so long for good.