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I'm thinking abouthaving this one matted and framed for SLG. Her room is done in lavenderand I think it would look nice in there.


OMG...OMG- I hadn't been on the forum for awhile & all of these pictures & stories areincredible....I have never seen a bun so much a part of the family& all those beautiful pictures of the girls at the prom...

AMAZING & beautiful pics- such great memories!

Thanks so much for sharing , I really enjoyed every pic, I am still smiling :):):)

Please keep the pics & storiescoming!



Oh Raspberry I would glady come do your families hair a couple of timesa year LOL, as long as I get to do sebbies hair too!!!(mmmm I feel somecolour and a perm and some piggy tails coming on) LOL:p:p:p:p:p
Oh, Sebastian and his Little Girl are soadorable!!! I can't get over how he just lets her tote himaround like that. He's just a doll. And she must bevery good with him.

I wanted to takeSebastian to The "Big Boy" soccer game yesterday, but I couldn't.:X

I don't think I've updated you all lately on our oldest son.

Since returning from Falujah after thefirst of the year he immediately enrolled in college. He is an awesomesoccer player and will be playing the goalie position this fall. Hestill works for the Marines on a part time basis but he is a full timestudent now and he is so looking forward to joining us this summer forall the things he's missed the last few years. Especially the lake andcamping! :)

This was exactly a year ago.


This was his birthday this year, whichwas the first one he was with family for 3 years!:)


I'm so glad he's back with the family. I'll betheis too. Being away from mine for a year and not being ableto see them has been so hard, so I kind of know how he must have felt.

Raz, that Sebbie picture is just precious! If I were you, I'd get it framed and matted, it's just gorgeous!
I so glad for you that your son is back at homewith your family. I've had friends and family members in themilitary and I know how hard it was for us here, let alone them to bethere. I couldn't do it, I'm just too much of a mommy's girl(it honestly doesn't matter how old it get, I always willbe). Shawn and I almost moved to Indiana (we even set amoving date, but then he got a better job and we got to stay here), andI was hysterical about the whole thing. I knew I needed andreally wanted to go with him, but I absolutely couldn't imagine beingthat far away from my family and missing everything withthem. We have a friend who is stationed in Hawaii and he andhis wife are expecting their first baby any day, both their familiesare here. I feel for people in those situations every day.

Enjoy the time you get to have together.

How awesome he is finally home. I am sohappy for you. I love all of Sebastians pictures. I think SLG will bethrilled with the one you chose for her room.

cirrustwi wrote:
I so glad for you that your son is back at home with yourfamily. I've had friends and family members in the militaryand I know how hard it was for us here, let alone them to bethere. I couldn't do it, I'm just too much of a mommy's girl(it honestly doesn't matter how old it get, I always willbe). Shawn and I almost moved to Indiana (we even set amoving date, but then he got a better job and we got to stay here), andI was hysterical about the whole thing. I knew I needed andreally wanted to go with him, but I absolutely couldn't imagine beingthat far away from my family and missing everything withthem. We have a friend who is stationed in Hawaii and he andhis wife are expecting their first baby any day, both their familiesare here. I feel for people in those situations every day.

Enjoy the time you get to have together.

You are not the only one, I am the same way. I can't imagine being away from my parents.
Sebastian lovescheerios!

He really, really wantedhislittle girlto share hers yesterday morning, and shedid! It was so cute though because she would hold her handclosed around them and he would lick and nibble at her fingers tryingto pry them loose. He never bites hard but he sure did get insistentthat she open her hand! :p





He looks so serious! You can see the determination in his eyes. He's like "GIMME!"

And yes, it's hard being away from family. I miss mine like there's no tomorrow.
Oh my goodness!!! This picture isabsolutely beautiful. Seriously - you should get someone tomake a painting out of it.It reminds me of a Renaissance (?)painting I sawof a young lady of the royal courtwith herdog. SLG looks so pretty with herhairdown her shoulders and just look at Bastian's sweetexpression of love. Where's the crying smiley with thetissues? I need it right here. :)


you should really send some of those pics to theRabbits USA magazine you could win yourself some money... They arefabulous you have a great eye... and it helps if your bunny iscooperative.. I get mostly pics of bunny noses lol

RabbitsUSA Magazine, huh??? Money, yousay... That is always something worth thinking about!:p

Thank you for the compliment. I lovephotography. I just shoot the photos and never quite know what to dowith them after that! ;)
