Mrs. PBJ
Well-Known Member
pamnock wrote:
No I dont have anyone my old landlord is a surgen and she said it needed a sctraping cause she could not tell. The people most of them wont help anyone because most can barley help them selve. We got destroyed by a major storm so money talks right now.PBJ wrote:I am pretty sure its not a infection last time I had a bacterial infection I had a 104 fever and did not know why well I found out real quick. Was in the hospital for a week.
I am waiting a nother day to see if it goes away. With benydril when I cant afford insurence I have to wait tell its get bad enough that a er doctor will see me without wanting payment up front. Right how they wuold want payment up front 200 bucks for my local ER
Do you know a nurse or anyone else local who can help you out? Is there a doctor who might help you work something out? We had a number of ER trips recently with my daughter. Her surgeon metus up at the hospital and told us not to check into the ER, so there was no cost.