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Mrs. PBJ

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
Galveston, Texas, USA
Ok so ever sense we moved I hve been getting this rash on my cest underarms and such.

It looks like Red circles but they dont bump up no head or anything just round red circle and it iches like crazy. They are a little smaller then a dime. No health insurence so no doctor. Everyone thats knows me say it storm but I had storm for like 2 weeks befor we moved and did not have a problem.

It started under my arms now its also on my chest like right under my neck OMG it iches no other side effect just this inchyness. Does this soundlike anything anyone has herd of. I have not put anything on it yet i am not a big medicine taker I would rather let it run its course unless anyone has a idea.

My mother is in ATL with my sister and my husband has no idea I dont have anyone else to ask.
It's hives. You can develop an allergy slowly. Think about things like:

  • New foods
  • Laundry soap
  • lotions
Most allergies show up after the second time you eat/wear/touch it. My daughter had a type of juice a few times then suddenly started getting hives.... it was the papaya in the punch.

Take Benadryl or a generic form of it - I like Walmart's - The pink one labeled for Allergies.

Cut out the new thing you suspect and see if it comes back once the hives are gone.

How long did you have Storm before the symptoms started?

Does sound like hives. My husband gets hives seemingly randomly, and it's been a lifelong thing for him. It was so bad as a child, his sister still calls him Hivey. He still gets really embarrassed when he gets them, he'll go hide and get angry when I try to tell him it's ok. There's probably some connection to when he gets them, as far as foods or products, but he doesn't pay enough attention to figure it out, so it's just a mystery.

I agree, try generic Benadryl. That stuff makes me really sleepy, though, so be careful when you take it.
Me too, BethM!! I get so tired but it works wonders! I used to take it as a prescription when I was a kid.

I had storm for a little over 2 weeks no wait I am going to put dates.

Storm came home on Jan 7

We moved on Jan 27th so about 3 weeks wow I have already had storm that long LOL

Anyway the only other thing that has change is my hubby bought kool aide pre made kool aide already had the suger and stufff in it you just add water. We did not use that tell after we moved here cause I had my 2 year old neice for over a week we are still drinking it now.

Nothing lse beside storm and that has changed and moving of course.

There is this powder all over the carpet that even now when I vaccumm it comes up. We have been here over a month and I vaccuum everyday.

Those are the only things
Its always there under my arms itches all the time.

As long as I am not wearing my under garments my chest does not itch as much but it still itches.

I know for sure its not shingles I had that on my eye and forehead at 18 or ring worm.

Ok so here are some labeled

The first thing I thought when all this happened was razor burn but when the bumps started and it did not get any better really worse I found out real quick it was not that.

Under my arm could be chafing but it still does not explain the bumps and today my neck has started itching also. :nerves1

So here are the pictures I do not feel comfertable putting pictures of my chest even thow its above my breast on the internet but you can see what it all looks like from these pictures.




The rash started on my left arm thats the orginal rash picture if you need anymore info just let me know
I know you said you don't like taking anything, but I second BBB's advise on the benedry. I think I would try benedryl, or a generic of it. You can buy benedryl creams but I really think the pills work the best. I occasionally get hives from things and it is difficult to figure out the source. It could be anything from a food to something in the enviroment. I take benedryl for a couple of days and it really seems to help.
I will be going to get some tonight when hubby gets off he finally got ransferd to day yeah.

I sent the pictures to a friend and she also said hyves I had storm to long with no symptons so it cant be storm right I will be taking benydril everyday for the next 10 to 15 years if it is him.
bendryl will help the itching..it won't make it go away if it's not hives....

based on your pics..it looks like what I have which is Psoriasis ( what you look like you have is called Guttate)

here's a really good board for help and info if that's what it is...

Right befor I got lay off at work we had a cat come in with mange. But that has been over a month this only started after we moved 2 weeks or so agao.

All my animal dont have any thing and I have not come in contact with any animals for about 3 weeks.

So anything is possible. My friend is bringing me a bynidril and we will see if it helps
Did you ask anyone what the powder is for in the carpet? It looks like allergic dermatitis or if it could be scabies.... usually that starts slowly and gets worse.

When you look at the bumps and lines..... are there little streaks running through the lines ..... looks like someone drew on you with a pencil?

Also, make sure you don't have headlice. You little niece could have had it from friends or something.

If you've never had that type of Kool-Aid it could be it..... but I am leaning towards something you are in contact with or something you have picked up somehow.

You haven't moved any hay have you? we had hay mites last fall..... omg it was awful!

I just bought a 30 pound box of hay the day befor yesterday.

Oher then the ox bow hay I already had that I only deal with cause hubby is allergic. No pencil niece half black she always has grease in her hair and her hair is so thin we would see it. She does not have much hair.

Does the ox bow hay have mytes. That is what the big box I have now is also. I am waiting for my landlord to get back in the opffice to go ask she is at lunch right now I should have asked a long time ago but being 20 as my mom says.

Ifit was scabes wuoldn't my dog be showing signs or storm. Like hot spots My animal are all inside and well taken care of I check them everyday causephoenix has dermidex mange it heretatery I or any other animal cant catch it but I have to make sure she does not get any breakouts if she does I have to check it quick or it can get expensive and out of hand real quick.

I just finished the last of thekool aide so if its that I will know in the next few dyas. I am going to find out about the powder there has been sop many changes in the past month that theres no telling right now.

The only thing i am alleric to is sulfer and to come in contact with that is pretty rear. I need to find out about this powder I have a feeling it flee stuff ofsome sort. cause befor I moved in I asked aboutflees The carp0et was cleaned by someone so there is no telling.
I also wanted to say I use tied laudry soap I bought a different small of tide but still tide.

I am using a new washer though it came with the apartment.

The only thing that gets me is it only above my chest and under my arms if it was cloths related wouldn't my legs and feet and everything else be like this to.

Thats what gets me is the area its in.

The only other thing which this did not cross my mind is I took a apitight supressent but I only took it once cause I felt sick when I did. I threw them away after that. they where Dexatrim max.

But I only took them once like a week and 1/2 ago

my nephew did that around christmas and he had to go to the emergancy room and they had to give him a cordizone shot. and some other meds... have you been to the doctor?

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