Raph is going to the vet's tonight

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Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I've noticed in the last day or two that Raphisn't his usual happy self...and this morning he barely touched hisfood, whereas his appetite up until now hasbeen voracious.Whenever Raph goes off his food I know that something's wrong, so hewill be going to the vet this evening to be assessed. I highly suspectthat something is going on with either his bladder or kidneys, as he'sshown signs in the past of disturbances (not urinating enough, orurinating too much). He's also shown signs of sludge in the past,though I haven't seen any lately.

Hopefully all will go well at the vet's. Unfortunately one thing Ialways have to keep in mind - beyond quality of life for Raph - iscost. If he winds up with a condition that is going to cost hundreds of$$$ to treat, then I might be forced to make a decision. Butthen, I guess that has always been a factor.

Please keep Raph in your thoughts today...I'm hoping this will be something that is easily treatable...
He will be in our thoughts today.


Thanks JadeIcing...and thanks for all the bunny prayers! (I love that pic.)

Strangely, I feel a bit weird today...in the past whenever Raph hasshown signs of not doing well I would tend to get quite upset, but forsome reason today it's not really bothering me a lot. I think I've cometo a point where I've accepted that whatever happens will be best forRaph. A 'giving it all to God' sort of thing. Mind you, I might feeldifferently once I'm at the vet's, but oddly, right now I have thissense of - if Raph has to go, then it will be okay...he's okaywith it.

I'm praying that it's not that serious, of course, and prayers fromothers always do help. :)I would love to have him with me foryears to come, so long as he's enjoying his life...but at least I get asense of calm around Raph, and that's comforting to me.

Thinking of you two - keep us updated!!

Thanks everyone, will let you know what the vetsays (in the meantime I have to try and collect a urine sample to bringwith me...I hope Raph is cooperative! :?). I suspect I'm going to bedreading this visit, as now I'm getting a bit anxious.

(and tell Herman thank you for the prayers!)
Well, I just got back from the vet's with myboy. He does have some sludge in his urine, but the vet doesn't suspectkidney stones. Raph has never had x-rays taken because of the high costinvolved (original quote was way beyond my means); but the vet haskindly offered to take x-rays next week after hours. He's going to tryand have them taken without anesthetic, hence not needing hospitalstay, med costs, etc. So next Thursday evening we'll (hopefully) get tosee what the inside of Raph looks like. :)

The vet seems to think that one of Raph's problems is that he isincontinent. Because he no longer uses most of his muscles, he cannotcontract them and cannot empty his bladder properly. He's also puttinghim on higher pain meds, as this might also be part of the problem whyRaph has been lethargic the past couple of days...he might not begetting enough to properly control his discomfort. So I'm hoping ahigher dosage will help, and he will be more comfortable. Must admit,he seemed to perk up quite a bit after the visit to the vet. So now I'moff to feed him (and hope he eats it all) and to feed me too.And hopefully the results of the x-rays next week will be good.

Thanks so much everyone, for all the prayers and well wishes! It reallyhas helped...this morning I felt sort of okay, but by this afternoonwas back to worrying about Raph. Knowing that there's so many out therewho are rooting for him is just such an uplifter! I only wish Raphcould read...I'd show him this forum, and all of the great people whoare in it and sending him wonderful thoughts. :D

Will be interesting for you to see thex-rays. That can tell a whole lot! Very nice ofyour vet to do this for you after hours. I will be thinkingabout you guys.:):pray:
I'm so glad that the visit went as well as itdid. I really hope that y'al can find out what is happening (a bitmore) and get Raph feeling better.

Thanks Peg and Angelnsnuffy...:)

Raph is still not eating heartily, but at least he is eating. Part ofit might be having an uncomfortable bladder, as the vet described it,it felt very flaccid despite having urine in it, which means he has tosit with the feeling of having to urinate when he can't...and while Ihave been able to express his bladder a few times, I doubt I wasgetting out anywhere near the full contents.Partofhis problem alsomight be a side effect of hispain meds. Or it could be something else. The vet is highly suspiciousas well that Raph's spine has a number of issues going on - which iswhat I had also suspected when he began having problems at thebeginning. Just to touch his shoulders can cause a shivering musclespasm in him. The vet explained that if an animal has spinal problems,the nerves running along the spine are affected...so that could bewhat's been causing his tenderness there. He's had that since I gothim.

I was very surprisedwhen my vet offered to do this, as heruns a tiny clinic and is very strict about charging full price, nothaving a payment plan, etc. I suspect he operates on a very smallbudget and cannot afford to offer discounts for patients very often. SoI was extremely happy when he did extend this offer, as there's no wayI could have paid the full cost for x-rays, which is why I didn't havethem done earlier. One quotehad beenover $600...andI have always felt so awful for not being able to have this done forRaph. So I see this as a small blessing. :)At the very leastit will put my mind at ease that I've been able to look further intowhat might be going on with Raph's wonky body, and not wonder down theroad...if only...

I can't wait till next Thursday! :D
Im so glad to hear that Raph is okay. Ive been praying for him. Hes such a fighter.

My vet did a lot of Max's xrays without any anesthetic and it came out great. As long as he holds still it should be fine.

I'll be keeping Raphael in my prayers. As Pipp said, every day is a gift with that special guy.

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