Rant about The Feed Store

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
rocky hill, Connecticut, USA
This is where they are kept. It is also where Igot Elvis. If they have bunnies normal thing is only one or two. I betthey have a few cause of easter.


First this is where Elvis was kept. $32.99 for mini rex babies.


Another by itself.


Close up of the first two.


Another by itself.


This one has been there a few weeks.


Isn't it awful!!! I went to a farm supply storetoday to get litter and they had several dwarf babies for $8! That isso cheap anybody could buy their kids "Easter Bunnies"

And they were so very cute! I admit it, I justHAD to hold one. Poor things, I hope they end up in good homes and notdumped when puberty hits.
Poor things. I can't even go into petstores anymore, I always leave wanting to save all of the poorbunnies.
I was in the superpet by my house the other dayand they had three black bunnies with a sign over them that read"managers special free black bunny with the purchase of cage". They hadbeen there a while and are left over from a huge bunny sale they had awhile ago and these where the left overs and they are getting big.
I was very sad I couldn't just take one to a good home.
That is sooooo sad:(. I feel bad for them!

I haven't been to Petco since my little lionhead episode. I will nevergo back, even if it means going to Target or ordering my mouse foodoffline. I'm buying all pet supplies offline from now on, I swear. Inever want to feel sad for days about pet store bunnies anymore.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
They look so bored in those cages too. No wondera ton of people think rabbits are "boring kids pets". No or not manytoys or anything to throw around or chew :(.

I was at a pet store today in a city near me,and they had four very small bunnies for sale. The guy saidhe thought they were about six weeks old (but to me they appearedolder, just dwarfs), and I would have said something about the factthat it's ILLEGAL to sell bunnies under the age of eight weeks, exceptthat I REALLY thought they looked older than that.

Anyway, I thought it was sad...I know they were just there for Easter,since I never see bunnies there any other time of the year. :(
aw they're going to get sick in a glass tank! Ihope none get bought on impulse, but find spoiling homes. If i werethere, i'd probably have that broken black mini rex n spoil itrotten:inlove:
It's not great, but honestly it's better thanthe stupid pet store here. Along with chicks and ducklings(!) and their normal few bunnies in the normal display cage, they havea bunch of tiny babies in a large open-topped Rubbermaid bin!Anybody can reach in there and touch them, and the employees just letthem!:mad:
I haven't been to my feed store lately. I have no reason to since I have tons of hay and wood pellets for litter.

I know that they sell chicks and turkies...but I wonder if they sellbunnies. They didn't advertise it on their radio add. I don't want tocall and find out because it might make them bring some in and I may gothere and have to take one home, which I can't!

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
naturestee wrote:
It's not great, but honestly it's better than the stupid petstore here. Along with chicks and ducklings (!) and theirnormal few bunnies in the normal display cage, they have a bunch oftiny babies in a large open-topped Rubbermaid bin! Anybodycan reach in there and touch them, and the employees just let them!:mad:

I agree. The bunnies are in clean cages, appear very healthy,have fresh food & water and are out of reach of children'smauling hands. I don't see anything to rant about.


I hate that. Interesting how they havethe pinkcoloured carefresh for easter. How appealing. :mad:In a rubbermaid???And they are selling ducks and chicks. Go in there and ask to see theirlisence for selling foul and live stalk. Humm bet they dont have one.$30000 fine for that. Call up the ASPCA.
Hmm, to be honest that doesn't look too bad to me.:?Cute bunnies!

If you saw the petshop in the town whereI go to school...nowthat is bad...:XAlthough they haven't had buns in fora while:dunno
Yeah, that doesn't look bad. They're clean:).

I put up one of the flyers at the petstore where I get my food fromyesterday:D. I went to go look at the buns and two of the bigthings they keep them in were empty. One still had beddingand a food dish with pellets and the other one was completely empty andcleaned out. Maybe that's a good thing:dunno:. I'llgo check back in a few days to see and also to see if my flyer is stillup, if not, another's going up:embarrassed:.
karona wrote:
Go in there and ask to see their lisence forselling foul and live stalk.

LOL it's "fowl" (they don't care to be called "foul" and animals aren't stalks of corn - they are live "stock".)

(Sorry - couldn't resist) :sunshine:

Hehe, Pam.

I think what bothered me is they usually have 2-3 at most. Now theyhave 5. One that has been there for weeks. He was there when I gotElvis.

I know they have so many because of easter. I never ever see hay in there.

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