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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2004
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Right here..."pointing finger to pa, Minnesota, US
So I was cleaning Ben's cage yesterday and hedecided that this was the perfect opportunity to check out what his"girlfriend" Fergi was doing. Please excuse my butt, but, they were tocute not to share! :D


Then of course my son Logan had to help out too...


After Ben had his chance to check out Fergi he must have been feelingvery territorial about his girls because he decided that he shouldattack my male pit bull.:shock:He boxed and bit him, needless to say,you don't want to be taking on someone that is that much bigger thanyou. Thankfully Ben is fine but now I will have to keep him separatefrom my dog :(

Fergi's mom

Thanks guys. Yes he does have a lot ofpersonality and apparently no fear either! It was pretty scary when heattacked my dog. You don't want to mess with a pit-bull, luckily I wasable to stop my dog before any real damage was done. Ben would havekept coming after my dog, I got one heck of a "macho man" on my hands!:)

Fergi's mom
Fergi wrote:
AfterBen had his chance to check out Fergi he must have been feeling veryterritorial about his girls because he decided that he should attack mymale pit bull.:shock:He boxed and bit him, needless to say, you don'twant to be taking on someone that is that much bigger than you.Thankfully Ben is fine but now I will have to keep him separate from mydog :(

Fergi's mom
Oh no! Not another Mocha on our hands! lol.

Those pictures were great!
Awesome pics, he's an awesome rabbit. What apersonality. Kinda scary about the dog though, I have nothing againstPit Bulls (my friend has one and that dog is great and loves me), but Ido know what you mean.

You know, here in Ontario they are putting a ban on Pit Bulls. Too many careless owners.
Thats to bad to hear about the careless owners. Iwatch Animal Planet Animal cops a lot and they have had to put bans onthem in numerous areas for the reason you specified. It is to bad thata whole breed has to get a bad name because of unresponsible owners. Itmakes me really angry! :XMy pits are wonderfully sweethearts,all they want to do is cuddle and play! I have never had one of my dogsagress a person and if they did I would then consider putting them tosleep. The breed was not orginally bred to be agressive to humans. Inthe pit, owners would have to be able to wash one anothers dogs (getoff any icky taste they might have applied), they also had to be ableto go into the ring during the fight and break their dogs apart. Ananimal that showed agression toward humans was immediatly put down sothe trait would not be passed on. Irresponsible breeding has nowdeveloped a new kind of pit-bull. An accessory for people who feel theneed to have a mean dog. Sorry about the rant, it is a subject I amvery passionate about. Nothing kills me more than seeing a perfectlybeautiful pit-bull put to sleep, even a well mannered one just becuaseof a ban. They should have the same chances other dogs have. Ok I amdone!!

sorry about that,

Fergi's mom
Thanks for the link m.e. I must have missed outon that thread. The video will have to be sent to my many friends, wholike me, are trying to use our dogs as advocates for the breed. I meandoes this look like a killer??? NO!


This poor girl was abused before we got her at four months. She is nowfive years old and I never have a fear that she would hurt a humanespecially not a child!!


Fergi's mom

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