Random things you love the most...

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Ollie - I love my rabbit's spirit and sense ofhumor. I love that Ollie messes up his hutch, spreading his foodeverywhere and tipping his food dish over. I love it when Ollie licksmy nose. It's as if he's saying "That wasn't there before!". I love howOllie would sniff noses (through wire!) with a dog (Not my idea :X),and make friends with it, but would be terrified of a garbage can (Notmoving or anything!).
I love that even if I've petted her for an hourstraightI still get the 'where the heck do you think YOU'REgoing?' look when I stop. I also love that she plays hide andseek under the bed with me every night, it's so cute to see her pokeher little head out from under the bedskirt trying to see if I see heror not! And that even though her name has been Allie for thelast five years whenmy husband decided she'd now be known as'Phat the Bunn' or, more often than not, Phattie B., she comes runningwhen she hears 'Where's my Phattie?' waaaay more often then she everdid when I'd call for Allie! It's like she's known 'Allie'didn't suit her this whole time!

Oh who am I kidding, I love everything about my little bunn bunn. :cool:
I love how Ringo comes when called. How he goes crazy for ANY food not just treats. How his butt twitches when he is eating.

I love how Sam thumps her back legs all the time, how she ives me the evil eye. She is such an expressive bun.

I love Connors tough bun attitude. How he will try to fight everyone (but me).

I love Teresa's diva personality. I love how hard it is to catch her.Well you don't catch her she lets you pick her up when she is done.

Alicia:sweepThe Maid, The buns Ringo Starr :runningrabbit:, SamanthaJane :apollo:,Connor Grayson:not listening, Teresa Mekare:bunny19, ANDTHE REST OF THE ZOO CREW!!!
Oh Jordi, we got her as a baby and she was themost incredible hilarious thing we'd ever seen! She first amazed us byescaping from her cage by squeezing through the bars, and introducingus to "binkies".

She's still the energetic one and we love it how she's the brains forevery Jordi/Wesley mission. We love it how much of a princess she isand is constantly shoving her head under Wesley's to get groomed.

Wesley has been Jordi's protector since they day we got him! We love ithow he is not scared to give a good head shove to any human orinanimate object that's in his way. He'll also give a good shove to anyhand that is trying to pet Jordi, but he'll also give a good shove toJordi if she's in the way of his food. He's so good at grooming Jordiand he's so lost without her. He'll get "stuck" under the bed whenJordi leaves the room. He doesn't know what to do without her, so he'lljust sit there until Jordi comes back to get him and then he'll boltout from under the bed as soon as he sees her.

I love it how they're so in love. When we take them to the vets theysnuggle up together in the corner of their carrier and when the vettakes one of them out, the other thumps.
I love the way Maomaochiu kicks his front pawsinto the air soFAST and powerful before he washes his facethat i can hear the air flow ( like chinese kong fu master)!

I love the way maomaochiu tries to do a dead bunny flop on my soft yet sloped couch that he always loses his balance afterwards!

I love the way maomaochiu sticks out his little head from beneath the couch!

I love the way maomaochiu's breath smells after he eats mints!

I love the way maomaochiu kisses/smells my earthat his wiskers just tickles me so bad!

I love the way maomaochiu runs like a little maniac around the living room

I love the way maomaochiu tosses stuff around fiercely

I love the way maomaochiu beats on my bedroom door trying sooooooo hard to get in where he is not allowed

And I love the way he looks at me, always curious and mischevious!
My two rabbits used to live togehter but nowthey dont due to Daisy's attacks so i dont love her for that as i realiwanted 2 rabbits so they could live together but i do love Daisy forher...

  • the way she used to and is still so scared of you and will run amile but yet if you have food and she knows it she will come running upso fast, buit then if you try doing somthing like stroking her andmoving your arm to fast she runs away but a soon as she has finishedher mouthfl the temptation is too much so she runs back for morefood!
  • the way that if you pick her up, if she lets you!, she nwill ahve anibbled at what ever you are wearing if its in her wayto resther nose!
  • the way she plays with her treat ball by nudging it with her noseand then she pulls it back like she would if she was digginahole and moving the soils under her.
  • the way she digs a big hole and then a week or two later if i dont fill it in she fills it in herself! its very helpful
  • the way she acts by the barbque she hates it! if we have lo9ts ofpeople in the garden or even jsut a fewin the summer for abbq then she will hide in her bedroom in her hutch all the time. shenever usually goes in there ever!
  • the way she walks on her lead when im tryin to get her from a to bshe likes to suddenly stop and turn round a refuse to go that way butafter a bit of persuasion she goes but only if she can gofast!:jumpingbunny:
  • the way she jumps its so accurate, fast and high and she can go widetoo! ive also been teachinbg both my rabbits how to go through shallowwater and last time i tried i got her going through about 12-15cm deepof water and then a small jump exciting th water!!!:bunnydance:
With Dandy i love...

  • the way she always wants to be daisys friend even thoguh Dasiy isalways biting her on the nose through the bars and if dandy tries to doanythign back or she doesnt move then daisy will start scratchin herand dandy will try and do it back but gives up after a 30 secs. then 2mins later she will go back and try and makes friends again!
  • the way she jumps. she jumps in such a differnt way. you would havethought 2 rabbits would jump the same jump in exactly the same way buti dont think they could jump and more different. Dandy nealry alwaysputs her fronht feet on the jump to help her up then when she jumpsback she kicks back in the air with her back feet and she always pushesthe pole of the jump back and quite often the jump falls down and if itcrashes into anythin then she gets very scared! awww
  • the way when she walks on a lead she wont walk on the concrete from the grass! (her claws arnt too long!)
  • the way she plays with her toy which hangs in the corenr of her runand has a bell on it and she grabs it in ehr mouth and shakes itabout
  • the way she stickes her head through the bars of her run onto the grass on the other side so she can eat it.
  • she will let you pick her up and do most things wiht her without aprotest but is she lies on her back to long her feet shake
  • when you put her down from holdin down she always hops away flickingher back legs which can make you very wet if she has wet paws
I love the way they both...

  • wont to run into the bushes while out for a walk
  • if you hold food above there heads then they will stand on thereback feet to reach it, daisy has started to learn if i click my fingersand she stands up she gets food
  • the way when i go out in the garden to feed them they get veryexcited and run about wanting there food and if im trying to put foodin the treat ball they will want me to feed them straight away and if ileave the pot on the floor then they know to put there heads in asthere food inside
  • the way if anyone goes int hegarden and there hungary they will runup to the bars as close as possiable to them and demand food
  • the way they get on with my friends guinea pig
  • the way they always seem to have frogs in there run with them
  • the way they love to sit on the small hutch roof, Dandy especially
  • look so cute in the snow!!!!:bunny19
  • the way they both sit out in the rain but run very fast inside if it gets to heavy or it starts to hail
  • the way if one is being fed then the other one must have food at the same time. i cant be in 2 places at once!!!!
  • the way they always go to the loo in the same place
  • the way they act when the cat comes in the garden they thump in turn and look very scared
  • the way they like to run up and down the fence line together!!!
cant think of any other reason but they are so sweet!!!!!! i love them so much!!!!