New Member
My albino dwarf rabbit is about a year old,he has develped a large bald spot under his head, on the front of his neck about a toonie in size.It's pure pink,no infected or unhealthy skin...just no fur(on one teeny tiny spot there seems to be slightly sore skin,and it's red but not scabby).He doesn't seem to be in any pain and he's not acting any different but I'm worried about him in case it is something that is bad.He doesn't seem to be scratching it,or even licking there cause it's in a spot that he can't get his tongue to reach.He's also unneatured and no other rabbits.And he lives inside with us.He also has no other bald spots,just that one,worried about the little guy so any advice might good,whethere it's home remedies or if he needs to go to a vet.
(I tried to get a picture but cause of where it is,he didn't like his head being lifted)
(I tried to get a picture but cause of where it is,he didn't like his head being lifted)