What a great pic. The use of Kitten Milk Replacer and Goat's Milk is an old and outdated idea. There is nowhere close to enough nutrition in those products. With baby neonates (squirrels, flyers, rabbits and opossums) I use a special rehab formula that is 32% protein and 40% fat. Rabbits stay on this formula until weaned and the other species are changed depending on age....especially gray squirrels. While they may appear healthy and may do well in captivity, they can suffer a devastating affliction known as Metabolic Bone Disease. Makes very brittle bones that can shatter under the stress of the wild. I can usually tell when a baby has been fed improperly...and it's obvious when those are compared to my supercharged animals. My squirrels are "buff" when they are released and look like they have been on steroids. Same with rabbits and opossums...but the squirrels when properly fed really develop very firm muscular definition.
There are several excellent rehab formulas available here in the US....the best are Fox Valley Animal Nutrition Day Oneand Pet Ag Zoologic Milk Matrix. Just for information purposes, everyone should visit the sites of these products to see what exactly is required for healthy growth...and this nutrition data is from lab studies. I don't know if Esbilac (a dog hand feeding formula) is available outside the US....but their "Puppy Powder" is one of the few over the counter products that some rehabbers use. I don't think it's up to the others....but better than KMR or Goat's Milk.