Well, as far as we know she is, a Western Cottontail, though not sure exactly what kind (there are 4 species that occur in the Central Valley, 8 total in California). She was found with 4 other babies beside a road. The others ran but she couldn't, she had a crushed leg.
Our vet agrees that she likely is a wild one . We weren't sure, at first we thought maybe she was a Netherland Dwarf. Well we didn't really know anything about rabbits then, we had to look uo everything on the web and in books. Al things considered, it's probably a miracle she survived at all.
But she was already eating grass and herbs at 3 weeks old, a domestic one would probably not have survived that.
She does look just like the wild ones around here, though she is a lot bigger. I guess they just never get to grow that big, or survive as long as she has (she's just over 5 years old).