Retired Moderator
babbs wrote:
I just didn't want add insult to injury. I'm so glad you aretreating him. He sounds like a sweet little guy. Ilove how animals can pick up on your feelings.Thanks for your thoughts and concern Jen. Please never beafraid to bring something up like that with me. No matter the timing, Ilove that little guy to pieces and want the best for him!
I did call the vet and she has said that I could just go ahead andstart treating Robin with the Albon as a preventitive. Even though heshows no signs of it he may still have it but in the early stages. Heis eating, drinking, pooping and playing fine. I was a basket case lastnight and kept getting up to check on Robin for fear of loosong himovernight too. I think Robin sensed that I was sad because he licked mequite a bit on my arm as I was holding and loving on him last night.