Hi guys...
Horrible news...
I just got word that Daisy, my sister's dog, was put to sleep today. For anyone who doesn't know, here is her story:
I had been hoping that the last time they took her to the vet, she would hang on just for another year, until we could get a house with a big backyard for her to play in, but she just couldn't handle anymore the life of being ignored and having to live the way she was.
It isn't easy, but I know I have to somehow take solace in the fact that I did everything I could do for her...though right now, it really isn't stopping the tears from flowing. I feel like I've lost one of my own babies...
My sister emailed me to tell me (rather callous way to do it, if youask me), and said that she had started to have trouble walking again, and was having trouble with one of her eyes, wasn't eating or drinking anymore, and that they had to take her in to Seacca and have her put to sleep. I gasped and said something out of surprise (though I don't remember what), and my husband asked me what happened...but I couldn't speak, I was so overtaken. All I could do was cry on his shoulder after he read it and hugged me.
It's so unfair...to live a long life, only to have the majority of it being ignored in a small, dirty backyard. I hope her friend, Minnie, lives long enough that we can give her the gift of that big, grassy backyard, and we will have a special memorial there for sweet Daisy.
I will put here the same thing I posted in memorial for her the last time, when I truly thought she wouldn't make it:
To you, my sweetDaisy...my eternal puppy love. May you have the happiness andlove and freedom you didn't have in this life. Know that as I think of you, I shed tears for not being able to say goodbye.If I could see you right now, I would kiss your big, beautiful, slobbery face and give your huge shoulders a big ol' hug. I hope you know that you're loved, and will be greatly missed.You will forever hold a special place in our hearts.
My love forever,
Your Auntie Rosie