Rabbits with swollen an raised Sores

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Sep 30, 2013
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My name is Megan an I live in Texas. I have 9 rabbits and out of the 9 two have concerned me highly. I have a female Dutch that came to me with very long nails an she wasn't groomed either. What started off as a small sore turned into a huge sore in the corner of eye. Tear duct. Almost looking like a tumor. A few weeks later my NZ female now has a swollen bump on her nose. Had a vet come out an he stated rabbit syhpilis. Which I am now treating with penicillin shots. Just started this yesterday. I'm not any good at giving shots and the dutch being so small its hard to give her these shots. I'm currently giving 2 ml injections. The Dutch is about 4 pound and the NZ is 10 pounds. Nz is also pregnant. She was bred before this happened. I don't have alot of money an the vet that's out here isnt much help. Honestly. How an where to inject penicilin? To be sure.
I dont think it would be safe to explain it on line. It could result in the death of the rabbit . You would need to know the correct dose and would have to be careful that the penicillin has been stored correctly and is the correct type . If it is impossible for you to get to a vet who could show you how , there are a few lessons on youtube .

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Did the vet not give you the dosage information and show you how to administer the sub q injections?
He showed me in the muscle in the hip but wasn't here when o did them on my own. Dutch rabbits are so hard to do cause there's hardly any meat. The new Zealand female wasn't to bad. These sores to me look like tumor an when they originally came up we thought to take a needle an create a drainage exit for whatever was inside. But nothing came out but blood. I've learned that they can not feel this sore however. It is hard for me to have a vet come out especially living in bfe. An the vet that came out isn't a rabbit vet for sure. I hate living so far from everything. Wish I could post a pic but it won't let me. I'd post my cell number to text them to those who would know but not sure if that's allowed.
What dosage are you giving each rabbit, and how many units does the bottle say is in each ml?

Here's some info on rabbit syphilis.

Are you injecting it into the muscle or subcutaneously between the skin and muscle. I've only heard of the injections being given sub q. It might be easier giving the injection between the shoulder blades. Maybe you could ask your vet to show you that method instead.

Dosing Sub Q and dosing IM are totally different. If the vet wants the meds done IM, then the dose would be according to that and the vet would have to prescribe a different dosage if the drug is to go SubQ.

I would phone your vet and cliarify.
Just keep doing as your vet has instructed for now.

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