Rabbits in Repose

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Chillin' babies....




I love seeing all the bunny pictures!! Here is FuzzButt chilling out in the middle of the living room floor!

Here is Biscuit chilling out in one of her favorite spots!

Here is Molly, my Dad's bunny! Don't ya just love those feet??

awwwww i cannot get enough of bunny pictures!!!!just wish i could share my bunnys with you guys. will have to ask hubbyto take some and try and post some. bunny addict!!!!

babydoshia wrote:
Sorry, I had to post these.

He found a spot right in front of the fan :cool:

Look at those feet :p

Ha! It's a monster bunny! WOW, has he grown--isn't this age fun???


Well this is Guinevere, my first full fledgedhouse rabbit. My fiance is the one holding her, and he is theonly one she lets do this with. He just has the bunny touch Iguess. She actually fell asleep while he was snuggling herlike this.

At least her trust of him makes claw clipping easier!
Featuring Buck Jones's rabbits: Calbert and Missy