Thank you all for your replies. I very much enjoyed reading your post Orchid, thank you for taking the time to also post your extra research.
My main issue regarding this topic is how unnecessary the use of live animals was in this particular experiment. I think that the learning objective of the experiment (that noradrenaline increases heart rate and glyceryl trinitrate decreases heart rate) is a fairly basic concept, one which I feel does not require dissecting live animals to get an understanding of. There were clearly other alternatives to taking part in the dissection and the teacher also claimed that students would not be disadvantaged in their coursework if they did not take part in the experiment. A video of the procedure was made available to students instead. Or, if the university deemed it absolutely necessary for learning purposes, I am sure that a demonstration would have been sufficient instead of testing 30 rabbits per science class.
Pam, I am largely in agreement with your viewpoints about the extreme measures taken by many animal liberation groups. However, please understand that I merely posted the link to the campaign because it most conveniently contained a collection of the relevant information regarding this issue in one source: The main outline of what happened, the footage of the actual event, information about the relevant university authorities to contact IF someone wished to email their opinion on the matter and a pre-written example of an email one could send.
The main message contained in the email was âI am appalled and distressed that sentient animals will continue to be used in this way, especially considering that students have the option of watching a video of the procedure instead. This terrible waste of life must stop, and I ask that you remove these procedures from your syllabus immediatelyâ. I did not consider the content of this email to be at all violent, of a terrorist nature or criminal.
Of course, it is always encouraged that everyone make their own judgments, conduct their own research and preferably write a letter in their own words IF they feel the issue is worthy of their attention.
I think that it is a bit extreme to suggest that I automatically endorse any violent or terrorist tactics by animal liberation groups, merely through my posting a link to an online petition. There have been a number of references to online petitions on RO in the past,ranging from selling pets on Petsmart to issues surrounding puppy mills and I therefore did not think reference to petitions was a breach of RO forum regulations. The topic of the tactics used byanimal liberation groupswas very far from the topic which I was originally hoping to initiate a discussion on.
And lastly, it is important to note that the ALV are NOT the originators of the story which I have posted about. This is a current news story which was featured in one of the leading Australian newspapers, which is why I felt the News Wire forum was appropriate for the story. The ALV is simply one of the groups that chose to later voice their opinions in regard to the news reports and create an email petition.