Rabbit's Foot Diseases

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Aug 4, 2021
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I noticed such a wound on my rabbit's foot today in evening. I am very worried. What do you think is this? What should I do? IMG-20210804-WA0004.jpg
If I'm interpreting the angle correctly, is this on the "heel" or hock of your rabbit's foot? That looks like a sore hock that has broken open maybe? Rabbits can develop calluses on their hocks over time naturally, but some rabbits, due to flooring, weight, anatomy, lifestyle, nail length.... any of those factors, those calluses get especially irritated and develop into sore hocks. I would be concerned that if that is indeed an open sore (I do not have experience with sore hocks to that degree, so hopefully another member can comment), the risk of infection occurring. I recommend having a rabbit-experienced vet assess it and give yourself an opportunity to procure medication, if needed.
Açıyı doğru yorumluyorsam, bu tavşan ayağının "topuğunda" mı yoksa diz ekleminde mi? Belki de kırılmış bir boğaz ağrısına benziyor? Tavşanlar zamanla dizlerinde doğal olarak nasır geliştirebilir, ancak bazı tavşanlar zemin, ağırlık, anatomi, yaşam tarzı, tırnak uzunluğu... bu faktörlerin herhangi biri nedeniyle, bu nasırlar özellikle tahriş olur ve boğaz ağrısına dönüşür. Bu gerçekten açık bir yaraysa (bu derece ağrılı dizlerle deneyimim yok, bu yüzden umarım başka bir üye yorum yapabilir), enfeksiyon oluşma riskinden endişe duyarım. Tavşan konusunda deneyimli bir veterinerin bunu değerlendirmesini ve gerekirse kendinize ilaç temin etme fırsatı vermenizi öneririm.
Cevabınız için teşekkürler :) , tavşanımda herhangi bir rahatsızlık belirtisi görmedim. Kendi muayenem sonucunda yarayı fark ettim. Hatta biraz önce atlıyordu. acı yok sanırım Sizce ilaç almalı mıyım?
I used Google Translate to translate your response. It seems like your rabbit is moving normally, which is good. However, rabbits can be good at hiding discomfort.

What flooring does your rabbit live on?
my rabbit lives free at home. toilet bowl shaped like a grill.
It's good that your rabbit lives freely in your home. Are your floors carpeted or slippery? I would make sure your rabbit has places that are slightly cushioned or soft to rest on.

If the wound does not heal or gets worse, you should take your rabbit to a rabbit-experienced veterinarian. It might not be easy to find in Turkey, but you want to find a veterinarian who is specialized with seeing rabbits, rather than a regular dog or cat veterinarian.
There is carpet in the house and he has a mattress to sleep but he doesn't like to sleep on the mattress. he is constantly sleeping on the hard floor outside the mat. This is probably why the wound occurred.
yes, there is no veterinarian in turkey who understands too rabbits. I am having a lot of trouble with this. i hope he gets better soon :)
Hm.. just sleeping on the hard floor shouldn't cause it, since he's not moving on it constantly. I recommend looking at it daily. If it gets worse, I would take your rabbit to the best veterinarian you can find.

Here is a website that has information on sore hocks and how to make a "sock" for your rabbit if it gets to a severe state. If it's easier in Turkish, here is a link to get the website translated: Google Translate

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