Rabbits and KITTEN FOOD???

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2006
Reaction score
, Alberta, Canada
Im just wondering if i should be worried aboutmy bun. I was in the shower and my kitten spilled her foodall over the floor and when i came out my bunny was eatingit! I am worried that all that protein will not be good forhim!WHAT SHOULD I DO!!??

thanks so much!

Just keep an close eye on your Bunny's poop,as long as it's firm and solid and your bunny's acting normal it shouldbe fine. :biggrin:

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Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
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My rabbits eat dog food like it is the only foodin the world. I have to literally hide it because they WILL findit. If I put it on a table, they get up on the table. Any andevery way possible.
Silly bunny! A little won'thurt. As part of the regular diet, it's too high in carbs andprotein, so you'll need to put it out of bunn's reach.


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