Rabbits and christmas trees?

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Active Member
Jun 13, 2012
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newport news, Virginia, USA
Hi there just wanted to stop and ask some better knowledge bun mommies if my buns can eat the needles and be alright....i cant seem to keep them from the yummy needles at all so i had to confine there "playtime" into a little bit of a smaller area.....some advice on stopping them from eating it or is it ok would be so much help.
This was a topic last Christmas time and I'm sure for years to come ;)
Yes it's safe if they get their little mouthes on some needles, however its best if they dont sit and consume. Try and keep bunnys away from the tree area if possible. At least most of the time, especially if you cant be there to supervise.
Another thing to consider is if the tree has ever been sprayed with anything. Fire retardants, etc.
Hi there just wanted to stop and ask some better knowledge bun mommies if my buns can eat the needles and be alright....i cant seem to keep them from the yummy needles at all so i had to confine there "playtime" into a little bit of a smaller area.....some advice on stopping them from eating it or is it ok would be so much help.
--even though pine and cedar are taboo,(no,no-)--i have allowed my buns to chew douglas fir toys,-needles-(leaves)- could be different matter-,(mouth-dental)--check http://medirabbit.com they can explain everything,,--a smaller tree on a table could be the answer,,--sincerely james waller--:bunnyhug::dancingorig:--merry xmas
if you have a spare playpen or some NIC grids, I would make a "fence" around the tree just to be safe. it won't cut into their play area much and will keep them away from the tree.
I like the tree on the table idea.... just make sure the table is high enough so the buns can't jump on it... I realized that the hard way. :thud:
I would prefer to have a fake tree...but my husband is in the army and we got a free really christmas tree...im willing to try anything...seems like it tastes real good cause as soon as i let them out of there cage they B line it to the tree and start munching...thank you guys for the suggestions .

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