Rabbits and cheese

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Hello - They shouldn't really, a tiny weeny bitwont kill it, but your bun may have a more fragile tummy, so might be abit unwise! Iam not a pro, but looked it up on a rabbit expert sitewhich is what they said.

My bunny is greedy (rather like me!!) x
Hi there!! I was just gonna suggestthat perhaps it would be better if in the future you are uncertain ifyour pet can eat a certain food item, to find out for sure if its safebefore offering it. Because some animals, rabbits included,will eat things they aren't supposed to if they areofferedit.
Rabbits cannot have cheese. Just hay, pellets, water and certain fresh fruits and vegetables. :)
hunnybunny63 wrote:
if my rabbits had taken it they would hav only had 1mouthful and therefore would not effect them in anyway as a smallamount of anythin wouldnt harm!
Well I beg to differ. Small amounts of certain foodsabsolutely CAN harm a rabbit. You're just lucky cheese isn'tone of them. Next time you might not be so lucky.

p.s. no need for the exclamation point. i was only offering a suggestion.

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