Rabbit without hay will die??!!

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Carolyn wrote:
That's the best you can do at this point, Kyo.Look into having some NutriCal on hand. It's a dietarysupplement (sold for dogs and cats), but it works wonders on rabbits aswell. In case your little one goes off her feed, itstimulates their appetite, gives their immune system a boost, givesthem the nutrients they need when they're weak, and helps in case youneed to have the rabbit go to the bathroom.
Oh Carolyn, Brindle would like to challenge the claim that Nutri-Cal is"palatable". Brindle had such a hissie fit. I'm still getting the"butt".

After Rosie bit Brindle's nose I gave some Nutri-Cal to Brindle in aslice of banana. No good. I then applied it to her front paws. I neversaw such paw-shaking or gotten such dirty looks. It reminded me of thethat look that Tucker gets. She ate hay for about a hour trying to getthe taste out of her mouth. Brindle even bit me (which she has NEVERdone before) I was so upset. I thought she would hate me forever. Twoday later (and lots of craisins) I have been allowed to give nose-rubs,but no picking up unless I want to get nipped again.

On the other hand, S'more ate her Nutri-Cal laced banana all up without a problem. Go figure.

Don't get me wrong. Nutri-Cal is the bomb and I noticed that she hadperked up considerably after being tramatized by Rosie the bullybun.
Hi Jim,

Absolutely Kyo could give her little one canned pumpkin. Thehay would probably do abetter job atdrying her upwith the diarrhea at this point, but if the problem is not enough fiberin the diet, I'd definitely add canned pumpkin to her diet.Many rabbits like the taste of it, but as you've experienced, not allrabbits tastebuds are the same.

I understand what you mean, completely, about the NutriCal.Tucker hates it. If worse comes to worse, youcould always syringe feed it if you have to.Tuckershakes his paw and gives me a very hard time about it. I sympathize with youas I go through the sameordeal.

I think they have fun eating hay anyhow. Every time we give Chernish new hay, he loves throwing it around and eating it.

When we first got him, he did not have Timothy hay, he had a beddingstraw at the bottom of the cage. He kept pulling it through the holesand eating it.
I hate to admit this, but when I got my firstrabbit about 20 years ago(he was 'donated' to the nursing home and Iwas delegated to care for him) I had not a clue about the critters.
But, I quickly fell in love with the bugger. He NEVER had hay. I didn'tknow they 'needed' it (this was before the internet, and all thewonderful info you can gather now). He got pellets, SUNFLOWER SEEDS -which he LOVED (now I would be scared to give a bun seeds of any kind!)and for a treat, I gave him little hunks of blueberry muffins. In spiteof this TERRIBLE diet, my VW Rabbit lived for 9.5 happy years as a PetTherapy animal - and a darn good one, too!
So - my point is - some buns can live through anything.
Even no hay and blueberry muffins!
Did you get timothy hay or did you get alfalfa? Some bunnies have digestive problems with alfalfa hay.

I babysat a bunny recently that had no hay and low quality/lowfiberpellets for the first 7 months of his life. He was boneyand had tiny little black stools.

I got hay into him and better quality pellets and he is fine now. His mother says he is much happier and more active as well.

sfritzp wrote:
Ihate to admit this, but when I got my first rabbit about 20 yearsago(he was 'donated' to the nursing home and I was delegated to carefor him) I had not a clue about the critters.
But, I quickly fell in love with the bugger. He NEVER had hay. I didn'tknow they 'needed' it (this was before the internet, and all thewonderful info you can gather now). He got pellets, SUNFLOWER SEEDS -which he LOVED (now I would be scared to give a bun seeds of any kind!)and for a treat, I gave him little hunks of blueberry muffins. In spiteof this TERRIBLE diet, my VW Rabbit lived for 9.5 happy years as a PetTherapy animal - and a darn good one, too!
So - my point is - some buns can live through anything.
Even no hay and blueberry muffins!

I dont think it was all that terrible of a diet, at least he wasgetting pellets.and sunflower seeds areNOTbad to have, in general. they are used as atreat or supplement sometimes, and work wellto putweighton a rabbit. but remember, theyrehot...

Kyo--IDONT THINK YOUR RABBIT DOES HAVEDIAREAH! will people please read over herdescriptions again! she is pooping normally, just alot, and she'spooping alot because she's eating a lot, and she's eating a lot becausekyo's feeding her alot, and kyos feeding her a lot because SHE'SUNDERWEIGHT!

Yes,I guess the wording in the post wasa bit ambigious after reading it again. I assumed though that mostpeople know diarehha is runny and that if they ask "does bunny havediaharrea" then its because the bunny has runny stools. Anyways,hopefully your BIG letters wernt yelling, because thats not reallynecessary. I may be new but that doesnt give you the right to be rudewith me. No hard feelings, anyway, have a good day.

P.S the poster later clarified that the stools were still"mushy" and confirmed that they were not cecal pellets.
