Rabbit urinating and pooping on my bed

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May 21, 2005
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My rabbit is about 6 years old and does not liketo be picked up but she comes up on my bed in the morning to be pettedand in the evening when I go to bed. She started pooping andshe urinates in the morning. What can I do....I keep towelson the bed and wash them regularly...I don't want to keep her off causethat is our time but I am getting tired of the mess.HELP. Mthbunny
Welcome mthbunny!

That is tough one. Is your bun potty trained? All Icould think of was to maybe keep her litter box handy and setting it onthe bed when she jumps up there. I'm sure a few little poopsare inevitable, but as for the urinating part, that can get quitemessy....Good luck!:p


Just an idea, if you are only just starting to have this problem, haveyou changed wash powder or fabric softener lately? I know bunnies tendto get used to a certain smell and if it changes they re-mark theirterritory, I am no expert but maybe have a think if you have changedanything, a litter tray near your bed for bunnie to go potty in beforejumping up onto your bed for morning cuddles might be a good idea, letus know how you go.:D
Is she spayed? Un-spayed rabbits are very likelyto mark their territory. At the age of 6, I wouldn't trust her to justany vet, but a rabbit-savvy vet should be able to do bloodwork &otherwise determine if the risk of surgery outweighs the benefit ofspaying.

As has already been mentioned, has your bun been litter-trained beforerecently? Has anything changed before she started soiling your bed?Rabbits are very sensitive to change, & if you've moved, or addedother animals to your household, or gotten a new bed, or possibly evengotten new sheets, that may be enough to make your bun feel as thoughshe needs to "mark" her territory.

You don't actually say whether or not you've had your bun for most ofher life, or if you've adopted an adult bun fairly recently. If you'vejust brought your bun into your household, it's very normal for her tobe marking "her territory", especially if she's unspayed. Evenspayed/neutered rabbits, though, often find soft spots like beds,beanbags, upholstered chairs, etc, to be irresistable... my Meat Bunny,f'rinstance, has had practically perfect litterbox habits... exceptwhen she had her own "bedroom", in which case Meat veiwed the futon asan extention of her litterbox.

Oh! Here's a thought! Have you recently added another human to yourhousehold? Your bun may feel particularly threatened if there's anotherperson sharing your bed... hence the need to mark her territory!

If you can't figure out why your bun is soiling the bed & fix theproblem, I highly recommend making sure that the bun can't get to thebed. In my case, I didn't want to move Meat out of "her" room, butsince she's been in her own immense cage in another part of the house,she hasn't had a single accident. Of course, everybody's situation isunique... just ask yourself if it takes more time to change/laundertowels & bedclothes, or to spend quality time specifically withyour rabbit as an individual?

My rabbit is spayed and I have had her for about5 years....it was my daughters rabbit and I took her when she went tocollege....now she is married and has 2 of her own. I haven'tchanged laundry or fabric softener. When I went away for 5days and my girlfriend came to visit her.....the whole time I was goneshe did nothing on the bed. She lives in my bedroom which isvery large and I have a sitting area and spend alot of time because Iam disabled. She only urinates in the morning on the bed andone of her litter boxes is very near the bed. I'm justperplexed and will keep washing the towels. She doesn'turinate anyplace else except her litter boxes. Thanks foryour ideas.
Sounds like she's getting up in her years &is losing control (it happens to the best of us!!). I would keep PuppyWee-Wee Pads by the bed for her to sit on. Walmart has cheap ones.
Bed just "reeks" of human scent and sometimes bun feel compelled to establish themselves in such an environment by leaving their own mark. Buns will do that on sofas and easy chairs, I believe, for much and the same reason.

Try covering the bed with a less "strongly" scented cover, canvas, brand new sheet, rug, whatever to see if there isa different reaction.

It is not your bed, it is her bed and she is letting you use it.

*When I went away for 5 days and my girlfriendcame to visit her.....the whole time I was gone she did nothing on thebed.*"

Here in lays the problem ,You went away . for what everreason she feels she nowhas to remark andreestablish your relationship with her, Your Friend, didshe sit on or lay in the bed ?this could be part of the problem .Sounds like the old "I'll teach a lesson " to mebut I may be wrong.

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