Well-Known Member
Hey all. I went to my first ever rabbit show today. It was pure heaven. There were so many rabbits I just couldn't believe my eyes. I had a chat to a few of the judges and they were very helpful as I there were some breeds there that I couldn't identify!
My boyfriend and I fell in love with a beautiful French lop that was the spitting image of Starsky but about 4 times the size! The German lops were also gorgeous. There were also loads of Agouti rabbits that looked like Lacey. There were around 9 Flemish giants but I only found 1 (at least I think thats what it was!). Check out the pictures I took - especially you Flashy as I recall that you couldn't make this show. I could have taken so many more but if the rabbits weren't being judged they were asleep or a little camera shy. Enjoy.
My boyfriend and I fell in love with a beautiful French lop that was the spitting image of Starsky but about 4 times the size! The German lops were also gorgeous. There were also loads of Agouti rabbits that looked like Lacey. There were around 9 Flemish giants but I only found 1 (at least I think thats what it was!). Check out the pictures I took - especially you Flashy as I recall that you couldn't make this show. I could have taken so many more but if the rabbits weren't being judged they were asleep or a little camera shy. Enjoy.