I know that in some instances an antibiotic will be needed, but as far as I'm aware it should only be prescribed if there is an actual indication of infection(heat, swelling, redness, oozing, etc), or a real concern that infection may occur due to difficulties during the spay, in which case the vet should have discussed these things with you like watermelons mentioned. In the last 9 spays and neuters that were done on my rabbits, not one was given an antibiotic, and all were sent home with pain medication.
A vet that doesn't automatically prescribe or offer take home pain meds for a rabbit after a spay/neuter, comes down to inadequate rabbit knowledge and lack of current information regarding rabbits and the necessity of pain relief. I would have real concerns with any supposed 'rabbit' vet, that doesn't prescribe pain medication for post spay, or at least suggest it . If I had just had a hysterectomy, I know I would insist on having pain medication to take home. Metacam may not alleviate the pain altogether, but if given at an adequate dose, it will at least take the edge off, and that is an important part of getting a rabbit experiencing pain, eating again.
I will say that my experience with the frequency of dosing for metacam is different. All of my recent rabbit spays in the last year, were given a twice daily dosing. My most recent spay was at a vet that I consider very experienced with rabbits, and dosage was about 0.5mg/kg twice daily. And from what I can determine from my research, twice daily dosing of rabbits seems to be fairly common now, with what I believe are experienced rabbit vets, and where the rabbit has no indication of kidney problems. I think this may be due to studies conducted that indicate that meloxicam is quickly metabolized and eliminated from a rabbits system, and that higher and more frequent dosing is needed than is used for cats and dogs and that has been previously used for rabbits in the past, to reach adequate levels for pain relief.
Though since you weren't given metacam, this doesn't apply. Not sure what you were given though, unless it was piroxicam, though this will be the first I've ever heard it actually being used for a rabbit, and dosing will be completely different if this is what it is. If not, hopefully what you were given is safe for rabbits. One important thing is to make sure to give the pain med with food, to reduce chances of it causing gastric irritation.
I don't know if your vet is rabbit savvy or not, not being the one there dealing with the vet. But just based on the information you have provided in this thread and other threads, I wouldn't consider the vet very rabbit savvy, and if possible would try and find a better vet in the future. Just me
That's great she's eating some. Just went through this 3 weeks ago. I know how stressful it is to get them eating again.
Love when they waggle their little tails... even if they are doing it cause they're annoyed