Rabbit Resourse Links

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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
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Oktoberfest Town - Munich, , Germany
Hi Guys !!!

So many of us come across so many different sites with lots of rabbit resourses that are not on the 'Cheat Sheet'.

So I got to thinking, why not place the links to the really usefulrabbit information sites here. That way, we can all educateourselves alot more than what we already know.

And for the newbies that come to us, if they are unfortunate enough notto have any rabbit books, this thread can be used as a top up of links,as well as the ones in that Carolyn has in the 'Top Picks Thread'.

As well as the link, I think it would also be a good idea, just to add a small description.

I will go first,

This is a link to Columbia Animal Hospital http://www.cah.com/library/rabbitdiseases.html

The link brings you straight to a page with information on RabbitDiseases. It is definately one for the bunny binders, if you don'talready know of this site.

The topics they cover are:

This does make for very good reading. I hope you find this as useful as it has been for me.
Everyone probably already knows this one, and it's mainly for pet rabbit owners, not breeding/showing, but...


And I really like this one because it's easy to find almost any topicin the index and find information on it. The main categoriesare links at the top, and then each of those pages has an alphabeticalindex.


I have tons of others bookmarked, but those are the two I use most often.

Uh, since this original thread wasstarted,a lot of us have spent a lot of time amassing allthese links and many more in the Resource Center, including the veryfirst one in the Bunny 101 Index, "Aggression"


Is there a reason why no one ever looks in there? People arealways posting links or asking questionsthat are answeredright off the top in Bunny 101(http://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=12080&forum_id=17)or Rabbit Health(http://rabbitsonline.net/view_forum.php?id=10).

It's a little depressing!
I think it's the way this site is organised.People naturally go to Forums instead of the other headings. I think toget more people going to Bunny 101 it would have to be more prominenton the site, such as being set up as a Sticky in the Forum section,with a heading that says "Read this before posting your question."
I agree with Bunman. I know the sitehas been revamped and all (it looks great!) but I do not think that thenew members even look at the links that are stickied. Nowait, let me change that, they are not looking atFeeding Your RabbitQ&A andBunny 101 Indexstickies. Maybe when a new member joins, a email can be sentout to the email addy, in it can welcome the new member, give the linkto the cheat sheet type stuff and encouraged to visit thelinks? That way they already have the information.That may help.

Yes, attention really needs to be called tothose. We have Stickies on various topics right in each of our forumboards, yet some people still fail to see them (& the Searchbutton) & post questions on those topics. There will always besome of that but there are ways of reducing it.
All of those suggestions are already inplace. There's a 'Forum Road Map: Read Me First'(which I believe was Hummer's suggestion to begin with, thanks!), andthere's also the Bunny 101 Index pinned in the RO general forum, BunnyHealth in the Infirmary. And Maherwoman sends outan email with all that info, links included, to new members.

Bunman, did you not look before you posted, or did you look and not seeit? You're always posting links that already exist(and now suggestions that are already in place). It wouldreally help us if youlookedfirst, and posted theResource Center links instead sopeople will get in the habitof looking there.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Guilty as charged.:)

I myself was not very aware of these archives & suggestionsthat are in place. I think that underscores the problem. But,unless duplicate links are using up too much bandwith i think they areactually a good thing if posted in the appropriate context, so that theoriginal poster (& others who may be interested) will have thereference right there & not have to look for it - assuming theyeven would know to look for it.
sas, I wonder if there's a way to make "Bunny101" more prominent - like perhaps moving that whole section to the topof the actual "Rabbits Only" forum section?

I checked it out pretty thoroughly when I 1st found this site, andstill read sections of it + links that the mods have posted, but maybeI'm the exception... Bunny 101 is *very* well-organized, I think.

edit: maybe the text on the sticky post headings could be in anothercolor - contrasting, not complimentary? They would be more obvious thatway.

I realize these suggestions take some tech know-how (which I don'thave) and I have no idea how easy it is to make tweaks like this withyour board software. but it seems like it might be worth a try.


I didn't know about the emails, thats too badthat people are not reading them or the stickies up there. Ihave seen on other forums where the mods have taken the repeat postsand combined them along with the answers, maybe that? Iunderstand that it would be more work for you but I am not sure whatelse can be done? What ec suggested maywork, "sas, I wonder if there's a way to make "Bunny 101" moreprominent - like perhaps moving that whole section to the top of theactual "Rabbits Only" forum section?". Other than that, I amat a loss, good luck
Bunman wrote:
But, unless duplicate links are using up too much bandwith ithink they are actually a good thing if posted in the appropriatecontext, so that the original poster (& others who may beinterested) will have the reference right there & not have tolook for it - assuming they even would know to look for it.
I dont think there is anything wrong with posting a link when someone is looking for info.

I do think that the best thing to do is to direct them to the correctsection in our resource center, where Naturestee has taken the time tocompile lots of different links on health and behavior. That waymembers can learn to look there first, rather than asking the samequestion over and over.

And theres no point in opening an entirely new thread just to post a link....

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