Elizabeth wrote:
I need to apologize for two things. One to Sasbecause she wasn't referring to the rescue I thought shewasand two because I wasn't meaning for my comment to comeout as bashing breeding.
I simply wanted to make sure that the awareness was there that somepeople will not get involved with a rescue if that rescuehasanything to do with breeding that may be considered"pro-breeding", i.e. a message board that supports breeders.Breeding is a sensitive subject for many rescuers of bunnies andtheycan and willoften consider any sort ofconnection with it to be pro-breeding. That's not a bashagainst breeding, just a simple truth.
But my apologies to those who thought it came out as bashing breeders.
I was referring to a LOT of rescues, all kinds of animals.The acidity and combativeness throughout the whole industry, at leastin this neighbourhood, is incredibly disheartening.
But this also goes for the global groups because of things like theattitude you mention towards breeders, and to a lesser extent, caringpeople like MBB who may want to keep a bunny outside. As faras I'm concerned people canthink what they want, but they'renot going to change anything by spitting at them, both sides will digin their heels and spendway too much time writing andresponding to diatribes like this.
This board has next to no fights on this issue becausewe dowhat we can to find common ground and work for change fromwithin. We stateanyarguments withreasonable discussion, based on thought, notemotion.To me, it just doesn't seem that hard!
There are rescuers-- lots of them -- who would rather let arabbit beeuthanized in a shelter than takeup themany offers from breeders to transport and house shelterbunnies. There are as many if not more rabbit lovers whoraise them out in the country as there are peoplewhotakethem into their livingrooms.Havingthose people in acooperativenetwork stood a far better chanceofsaving the very life of a bunny like Panini.
But no. Being rude and vile to them takes priority.Make it a fight. If even half the time spent on lambastingbreeders and imaginary dissenters was actually spent working onsolutions, a lot more progress would be made.
I'm currently emailing acommercial breeder carryingona horrible discussion aboutbutchering rabbits --I saw him post his method,which washorriblyinhumane. I know I won't get anywhere bysaying 'I'm a rabbit rescuer, don't kill your rabbits you evilhuman!' It's like telling a farmer not to kill hischickens. So I justpoint out themorehumane ways of doing it, quoting some of the majorbreeders I've come across on the boards.He assumesI'm another breeder. And he's listening. If I haveto, I'll get the US Rabbit Industry rep to reiterate.
Yes, it kills me tobe having that conversation,Ican'teven read half the email:vomit: but I really think I'llbe saving a lot of rabbits a lot of stress and pain if I keep itup. So I suck it up.
Anyway, NOW we're off track, sorry.It's just really depressing. :sad: