PuterGeekGirl -- you should be calledPuter"Guru" Girl! I am hoping to be ableto get this fixed without reformatting, however have downloaded manyscans (including some I have paid for) -- and still no luck.
Apparently, this particular trojan unistalls itself after running sovirus scans can't catch it. MS does have a patch to fix it,but I am unable to run or download any updates, patches, etc. from theMS site. I'm sure the ms downloads would fix my problem if Icould get them to download successfully :?
At this point, I can still access my email and some things on theinternet. I am unable to access my website or the clubwebsite that I do, however, I can access geocities file manager andupload files to there. I am then able to go to the libraryand access pagebuilder to update the sites.
So, I'm thankful that I at least have most of the use of my computer and can do the club work on it.