Rabbit is having seizures?

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New Member
Jun 14, 2016
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Hi! This is my first post here. I was hoping someone could help me. I think my rabbit is having seizures, but I'm not sure. I managed to capture it on video, which you can watch here:


(Like I said in the description of the video, I removed the audio because it was just me calling his name out over and over again (I was so scared). I wanted to hold him to calm him down but I was worried that he was in a confused state and might see me as a threat and attack me)

I'm really worried. This is the 4th time it happened, but the other times weren't as bad. At first I thought he was just having nightmares, because it would just last a few seconds then he'll stay still for a while (looking scared), before going about his usual business. I do plan on taking him to the vet, but I want to know if any of you have experienced this.

Thank you
poor bunny...
I am not helpful with the info, but I hope that the vet is able to help your bunny,
If it were a dog or a cat I would say that is a seizure. It seems to have pretty classic signs of one. However, I have exactly 0 experience with rabbit seizures. Or treatments, Or anything of that sort. The confusion/fear you see afterwards is pretty normal for a seizure and often seizures are not actually harmful. Just really scary. But they have the potential to be harmful, so definitely take him to the vet.
Yes, looks like a seizure - rabbits can have them, I remember another member of this forum had the same problem with her bunny a few weeks ago. There are treatments for it, depending on the cause (rabbits can have epilepsy, too). If you haven't, I suggest reading this article and try to narrow down what it could be / questions to ask your vet / tests to be done before going as if your vet isn't a big rabbit specialist it's doubtful they've seen the case often before :
Thanks for the replies everyone. I agree, it is pretty scary.

I dropped by the vet yesterday and showed them the video and they confirmed it is a seizure. But they would need to examine him and run some tests to determine the cause. (It's the first time they've seen a bunny having a seizure). I'm bringing him there tomorrow, hopefully they'll be able to tell me what's wrong with him :(
I'm so sorry your bunny is having seizures. They are so heartbreaking to watch and can make you feel so helpless.

Unfortunately, I do have experience with seizures in rabbits. I had a blue eyed white lionhead who was born with epilepsy. He died before his 1st birthday. One night he had a grand mal seizure that he couldn't come out of. I rushed him to the Emergency Vet, but they couldn't save him. His little heart couldn't take it. Sadly, I also had an 18 year old cat who developed a brain tumor and would have seizures. I wish I didn't have as much experience with these things.

Your rabbit doesn't necessarily have epilepsy as there are many illnesses that can cause seizures. Hopefully your vet can help you with that. In the meantime, I would recommend buying a baby bumper. You can use it to line the inside of his cage, that way if he does have a seizure there will be less chance of injury.

What you want to look out for: Seizure lasting more than a few minutes, or immediately followed by another seizure. That is an emergency situation.
