Hayley411 wrote:
I think the harness training, plus showing/telling how to coax the rabbit over a jump or other obstacle would be a major one. We had one girl that was in our group that constantly tried to drag her rabbits over obstacles.
When I want them to go forward I nudge their bums with my foot, orif your rabbits likepeter who comes to you whenever you put you hand near the ground, do that.
I try to make it fun for the rabbit. Like if your rabbit is motivated by food coax him over to jump with his favorite treat.
BTW Emily I think the video tutorial idea is great, we'll have to work on creating one.
Yes, I know what you mean! Lol. There's some girls from another county here that pull their rabbits too. It's awful.
I use my hand to get Magic to go forward, or I kinda shake the leash, and sometimes that works. If I click my tongue he will jump too. So there's several different aids for getting them to jump.
Yes, the tutorial would be awesome. We'll have to figure out how to make that.
HappiBun: I prefer the H-style, the vest style or the figure 8 rope (only for light training). I mostly use the figure 8 tho, since I haven't come across an H-style yet.
NorthernAutumn: Great suggestion on a vid. about putting the rabbit in the harness
That would make a great tutorial and we could show different types of harnesses...I've been confused by harnesses at times, and a Tutorial sure would make it helpful!
Yep, it is possible to use the H style cat harness (that's what I was looking for...) the clasps are fine.
DeniseJP: The bunny in those pictures, I do believe, is Babbitty (Sp?) He's a really great jumper. Lots of enthusiam and he really loves to jump (From what I've seen from videos, etc.)
Riaketty: Big bunnies can do rabbit hopping/agility, but you may have to keep them in the lower jump height classes, as they may have difficulties getting over the larger jumps. FallingStar has a Palomino that did some rabbit hopping and I think her record was about 13 inches or something? On the first day!
So it's definitley possible
Pet_Bunny: What great pictures! I wish I could take pictures that good of Magic jumping! It takes forever just to get a decent one!