Rabbit hopping

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My rabbit, Magic's, training has been going pretty well. I'm going to work with him today, because fair is next week. He'll be worked with about an hour or so each day this week and before fair so he can keep up his skills. Right now I'll have to build up some new jumps as everything else is at my old house, so yea. All i have are the three jumps my dad built for me right now. He can get better on those, though.

Emily & Magic

Also, a few weeks ago me and my sister did a time trial. At fair the rules are: the most jumps in 3 minutes. We beat the record (27 jumps) by a lot! Magic did 45 jumps in 3 minutes! Congrats Magic! Another time trial (practice) will be in our shed or on the concrete on Thursday. I'll let you know how he does!
Pixie landing from a binkie. :biggrin2:


Pics of my boy, Magic jumping:


^^^This one is him soaring over a jump.


^^^ that's of him landing a jump

More to come!
Hunnybunny63 :

I was just wondering what type of things i may need to start my buck, Magic, on agility. It's the only thing they have like that to compete at fairs and he doesn't seem to really like the a frame. Sure....he goes over it but not he's not very confident about it. I'm going to have my dad make me some a frames and "ladders" so i can do the things your doing.

At thurston county fair they had the following on their agility course:

A frame


Standing box

and a 2 inch jump.

I already have a standing box which magic uses as his starting point to go over a course. (And as soon as my dad gets a battery for his decades old video camera then i'm going to record magic definitley! and i'll show it to you all!) Anyways....so thanks!

Emily and Magic
glad to here everyone still has their bunnies working hard. havnt really done any hopping for months now. The weather pretty bad and im quite busy now ive started college.

In answer to the question 'waht can i use to make a jump?' I started off my bunnies jumping over small branches as thats what i had for them to chew, i then found random poles in the garage which make excelent jumps. Ive also used before empty window boxes, stack of grass, small boxes, tunnels, large umbrellas closed up, steps boxes. you can pretty much use anything.
Can't believe how long it's been since I started this with Magic, but I thought I'd post most of my rabbit hopping/agility pictures and get this thread bumped back up for this years hoppers!*cough*Hayley*cough*:p

Landing the cross bars!

Gathering himself up for the next jump! *Please escuse my position....:?hehe*

Teeter totter!

Landing the cross bars again!

Pausing in between weaving for a picture! :p

Such focus!

More coming! :)
Landing a straight bar.

My hobby picture for my school's yearbook! Jumpin at nighttime! :)

Good jumping shots for at night! :) There's tons more, but they're mostly the same, so I'll spare you.

Flying!! I really like this picture!

Jumping a single. This course was a crooked course...you can see the jumps in all diff. places....

Not really sure!

Taking off!

Giving him the aid to stop...he wasn't pleased! Lol. He loves the teeter once he gets goin!

A-Frame...I need a better one....:?

More coming!

Landing the water jump.

Such a great jump over this oxer! :)

Picture says it all! Look at the focus!

Running towards the water jump!

Landing! This is from my, the trainers', point of view! :)

The question is ...to jump? or not to jump?

What do you think he is doing in this pic? He is landing a jump! :)

One of my definite favorites! :)

Pushing off!


Brushing the top! (By the way, I'm posting this from newest to oldest....now I'm getting down into the older pictures from last summer ;))

Figurin out what to do...bolt or jump.

Sweet clearance.

This shows the focus between jumps.

Landing a spread...

Over and down.

A still shot from a video.

More coming! Lol.
Indoor training session.

Different indoor training. Taking off!

Up and over!

And last but not least, the final one I have on my photobucket!


I'm going to train him soon....as soon as the snow goes away! And I will hopefully have more! :)

I have a harness for Pebble, i think i might try this. :) With a few small jumps :D

How did you train the bun? Did you use a clicker and treats?

Everyone pictures are FAB! Well done you x
i have to sya, before caramel got preggers, and lost the babies... ect.
i tried her with small jumps. she loved them. higher. loved them.
eyore- only if a treat was waved in front of him......

how you train them.... i am not an expert...
ill think and post later
For me, I didn't use clicker or treats. Magic was barely harness trained when I began him on jumps. He knew the basics, but nothing else really. Harness training is the major key step before introducing jumps. Through jump-work with Magic, I taught him how to respond to aids (right, left, etc.) you may wish to incorporate that within the harness training, but it may work better if you incoporate it on the course. ;)

I started with thick poles (even a chunk of wood will work) laying on the ground, and with some poles on a brick too. The tallest jumps were maybe 4 inches and I kept him going at that for the longest time. He did great over the low jumps and I remember when he first jumped the 9-incher how I was so surprised and proud of him! Lol. Now he's up in the teen/20 range. :p

Anyway, the most importnant thing is to take it slow.
You don't want to rush into placing a larger jump, and you always want to make sure when you add higher jumps, you have previous ones so they hold their confidence on those and are ready for the larger ones.

I may begin training Magic on some agility work using a clicker, because he has responded to it well when I taught him tricks.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. You can PM if you like.

I also have a thread about getting started in Rabbit Hopping. I can dig up the link for you. I will probably start the online training program once the weather gets nicer :)


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