Rabbit Garden

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
, British Columbia, Canada
I went to the nursery yesterday and got thestuff I'd like to grow this summer. I got two little pots of romain, apot of brocolli, and a mint plant. I have the mint plant in it's ownpot, and the romain and brocolli in two long planters.

I know mint loves water, but does anyoner know the best conditions, ectfor these veggies, or anything I might wanttoaddfor my "Bunny Buffet"?

Btw, they are in this special "organic" vegetable soil and I mixed in some rabbit poop just for some fertilizer :D


Hopefully I can grow something, don't have a green thumb at all though! :tongue:clover:
I told my husband that's what we're doing whenwe get a house. lol Growing Skippy veggies, cause they add up when youbuy them so often!!!

I can ask my mom if you need to know anything about mint, she had areal tough time getting rid of hers. The stuff grows like a weed.
A few weeks back, I bought a few bunny plants for a garden (basil, mint, parsley). Devon and Amber love the fresh stuff!

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