I am hoping to figure out what this is before taking drastic measures. I have one vet baffled, another giving a diagnosis of "E. cuniculi" (which makes no sense to me). Before I sacrifice a rabbit to a full autopsy, I am hoping that someone here can give me some idea of what this might be.
All my rabbits are showing the same symptom. So it is contagious. It is also looking like my guinea pigs have caught it from them. Rabbits appear otherwise in perfect health, no snuffles. The only symptom seems to be a white film that forms over the eye, in some it is more opaque and goopy looking. It is not on the surface of the eye (like conjunctivitis) but just below the surface (cornea perhaps?). It is not a cataract in the lens, and the 'film' does not move around.
Breed is Holland Lop if that makes any difference.
I can't find anything online or in my Merck manual. Have any of you seen or heard of anything like this?

All my rabbits are showing the same symptom. So it is contagious. It is also looking like my guinea pigs have caught it from them. Rabbits appear otherwise in perfect health, no snuffles. The only symptom seems to be a white film that forms over the eye, in some it is more opaque and goopy looking. It is not on the surface of the eye (like conjunctivitis) but just below the surface (cornea perhaps?). It is not a cataract in the lens, and the 'film' does not move around.
Breed is Holland Lop if that makes any difference.
I can't find anything online or in my Merck manual. Have any of you seen or heard of anything like this?