Rabbit due in 2 weeks

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Jun 3, 2005
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Hey, my holland lop(Bambi)is having babies in 2 weeks. I'm going to bring here inside. What alldo I need to do to get prepared for the babies? This is the first timethat I have ever had a rabbit bred. I know that i need to have a boxfor her to get into. Is that all? Thanks for all thehelp.
Bambi wrote:
Hey, my holland lop(Bambi) is havingbabies in 2 weeks. I'm going to bring here inside. What all do I needto do to get prepared for the babies? This is the first time that Ihave ever had a rabbit bred. I know that i need to have a box for herto get into. Is that all? Thanks for all thehelp.

Uhh, well you need to give her plenty of straw and hay and nestingmaterials before she is due to make jher nest along with the nest box.When my rabbit was pregnant i bought her indoors too - so i take itthat she is an outdoor rabbit. They pretty much prepare themselves so iwill let you know if i think of anything else!!
How is she?? Are you excited?? :D:D
Good luck with her and keep posted on how she goes,
I'm really excited becausemy mom said i could keep a female outta her. :DBut i readthey pull there hair out?!?!? Do they really?:shock:
Hello! :D

Make sure you have a heating pad and some formula on hand, just incasethe first time mother doesnt feed her babies. I dont suggest handfeeding babies, but it is always better to be safe then sorry. Handfeeding them can end in death because they can aspirate it, but if itbetter to try to hand feed them then to not feed them at all :)

Check out these posts maybe they will help you out :D

Bunny From Concepetion to weaning

This is a thread I started about my babies when their mother wouldnt feed them


Bambi wrote:
I'm really excited because my mom said icould keep a female outta her. :D But i read they pull there hairout?!?!? Do they really?:shock:

Yeh they pull out a lot of fur to line their nest and keep the babieswarm. This can happen a few days or a few hours before they give birth!So look out for it :shock:
Are you certain that she is pregnant?
She should have been nesting already, I think. Are you certain she is pregnant?
I am not certain that she is pregnantbut i have left her in with a proven breeder buck for a few days so iexpect it. She doesnt have anything to make a nest in right now whichis why i was on here figuring out what i need to get for her.
Why did you leave her for a few days? That canbe very dangerous, they should only be in the cage for mating, becauseone or the other could badly hurt eachother.

If you give her a nest box too early she could just use it for a litterbox and then it would be unsanitary for the babies. If she is alreadynesting then you can give her the box but I usually give it on day 29.Put some soft grass hay in the cage and make and indentation in it sothat she will be encouraged to make it her nest. She will pull out LOTSof fur from her stomach and that will complete the nest.

Please do LOTS of reading before the babies are born, there are just SOmany things that could go wrong and you need to be prepared.

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