Rabbit doing uncontrollable rolling for short periods of time and flicking/scratching ears alot?

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Sep 4, 2011
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Tilly is nearly 1 year old now and recently she has been frequently been scratching her ears and flicking her head, from that behaviour I think it sounds like ear mites. But shes also been rolling about quite 'erratically' only for about 5 seconds or so though and she also is just generally showing really hyper behaviour-although she has always been like this so I assumed it was normal? But now I'm just getting a little bit worried about her.

Shes eating/drinking and pooing normally and is still active- jumps up and off the sofa but shes possibly been a bit quieter. I was reading up about head tilt and got a bit concerned as some of her symptons are similar to those but I don't think her head is at all tilted I've posted some pictures to see what you all think.

-I am going to book her in to the vets on monday but I just wanted to know what people thought in the meantime, thanks :)


(Not sure if thats worked or not ^)
I don't want to second-guess a vet, but I wonder if the rolling & increased activity is a reaction to mites or fleas. The rolling could be an attempt to dislodge whatever it is & it's bothering her so she's hyper.
My best guess would be ear infection graduated to E.cuniculi (rolling is a symptom).
Check out this link; RO Library - E. cuniculi, &

(Hopefully, only ear mites - fingers crossed!)

Please see a vet ASAP. Treat vigorously and aggressively - the whole ounce of prevention being worth #### pounds of cure really applies to this situation.
I really hope the poster checks back in soon and either heeds your advice or gives us more details!! tilt/wryneck and ec are sooo scary. I hope the bun is ok
Thanks everyone for your answers. I could try and get a video of her rolling but she only does it occasionally when I bring her inside (lives outside with her sister) and it never lasts very long. I think your guess is probably right about ear mites (hopefully) as she doesn't particulary like me touching her ears either and flicks them. With regards to the increased activity she still does lie down and have a sleep, she seems to either be really active or really tired- I think she tires herself out. I'm going to book her into the vets tommorow and keep a close eye on her. Her head doesn't seem to be tilted at all so im really hoping shes ok. Thanks again everyone I'll let you know what the vet says.
Rolling is a sign of a very progressed ear infection and she should be taken to the vets and given antibiotics as soon as humanely possible. She probably does it when you bring her inside because its different and It's hard for her to orient herself.
Yes, I would agree and personally guess Ear infection, or possibly E. Cuniculi. -In my mind, more likely Ear Infection due to the scratching of the ears. EC is more a parasitic infection. I don't think it would cause scratching of the ears.

Glad to hear she's going to the vet soon-I'll keep her in my prayers :)
Yes it does, there not open today so I can't ring any sooner i'm afraid. Thanks everyone
I took Tilly to the vets yesterday and the vet said she has a slightly swollen ear inside her left one so she gave her 2 injections, one for pain relief and the other antibiotic. I've got to give her antibiotics every day till saturday and then I'm taking her back on saturday for a check up :) So thankfully she should be fine!
Most meds should be a minimum of 2wks. What antibiotic did they give you?
Keep a close eye-we tried 2 rounds of Baytril with my head tilt bunny and it didn't help her. Have you seen any improvement (although I do know it probably would take longer than 2 days to work, so you wouldn't necesarily see any right away anyway)
Yeah I will do thanks, its not actually head tilt that she has. I went back to the vets with her today and her ears seemed slightly better but he told me that she has slightly swollen lips and that she has very slight malocclusion in her back teeth on one side, just a tooth thats a bit sharp :( So she'll need regular dental work to file it down. My last rabbit Lilly had awful teeth because of malocclusion so when I heard that word it panicked me! But hopefully its nowhere near as severe so aslong as I keep on top of it and take regualr trips to the vets she hopefully should be fine and pain free.

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