Rabbit doesn't like greens

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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Traverse City, Michigan, USA
I have a 4 month old bunny, and I've been giving her tiny bits of greens for about a month. I've been giving her a different one each week. She definitely will not eat the greens out of my hands; she may eat them an hour later if at all. My last bunny was so excited and ran to me when I had greens for her. Does anyone else have this problem too? Is this odd behaviorfor a baby?
Maybe she'd prefer to eat in private?

My Maisie won't eat her greens in front of anybody at all...she eats them overnight, so that you don't even know they were there! :)

Give it a shot! Leave some in her cage overnight, and they may disappear by morning. :)
Or, she could be just like Wildfire...

Wildfire would get very offended when I tried to offer her new food. But if she sees other bunnies eating it, she'll gobble it up.

Maybe you could try eating some in front of her, so she could see it was safe?

I find that bunnies that wheren't introduced to greens by their moms, they have a hard time trying them out.

That's what I've chocked it up to.

Flower JUMPS on her greens, while Maisie won't eat things like that in front of people. We haven't had greens on-hand since Trix came home, but I can tell you right now, due to how she reacted to banana, she won't be shy, either! :D

I think it's just a lady-like thing with Maisie. She's got a lot of things like that. She even finds binkies to be beneath her most-times (though, don't tell her I said so...but I've seen her do them before!). :)
this is kinda funny, because my friend has a holland lop that won't eat greens, no greens at all. . .won't eat fruit either, will only nibble hay and hates oatmeal. . .

they tried everything, and nothing will get that rabbit to eat healthy. . .but be carefull because if you aren't holding the bag of chips tight enough, 3 pound mocha will rip them out of your hand and go dashing to his cardboard box. . .

talk about the junk food rabbit, they struggle to keep stuff like that out of his reach. . .

and he seems healthy enough without the veggies, they have him on a really good food. . .so i guess he is okay with it. . .talk about weird though!
I adopted an adult male about 7 months ago and he refused every vegetable except for carrots. He just recently started to eat parsley but he refused it for months. I don't think his old family gave him any vegetables. I introduced him to raisins too and now he's a junkie.
Wildfire will fight eating veggies (well, now she likes them that she's bonded to veggy lovers), but she loves granola bars.

If I open a granola bar with her in the room, she's all over me. She went as far as to try and pull granola out of my mouth.... That girl has a major sweet tooth.

But what really made a big difference for her was seeing other bunnies eating veggies. As long as someone else tries it first, she'll eat it.

aurora369 wrote:
Wildfire will fight eating veggies (well, now she likes them that she's bonded to veggy lovers), but she loves granola bars.

If I open a granola bar with her in the room, she's all over me. She went as far as to try and pull granola out of my mouth.... That girl has a major sweet tooth.

this makes me think of my old rabbit trixie. . .whenever we had pancakes for breakfast, she would jump on the table, steal one off a plate and dash to a wooden box in her cage to feast on her find. . .

just the sight of a 31/2 pound holland lop running off the table with a pancake is hysterical

the things bunnies love. . .

sorry for taking over the thread. . .
theevenstarlight<WBR> wrote:
I have a 4 month old bunny, and I&#39;ve been giving her tiny bits of greens for about a month. I&#39;ve been giving her a different one each week. She definitely will not eat the greens out of my hands; she may eat them an hour later if at all. My last bunny was so excited and ran to me when I had greens for her. Does anyone else have this problem too? Is this odd behaviorfor a baby?
I was told not to introduce greens until they were mature - around 7 to 9 mos at least. Not sure what the recommendation is here but that&#39;s how I did with mine.
My bunny, acts like ANY new food is disgusting. She will eat around it, and dig it out of her bowl. (So she doesn&#39;t have to touch it with her mouth) and if I try to hand feed it to her, she make this disgusted "elvis" face. But it magically disappears at night, and the next day she acts like she&#39;s eaten it forever. Rabbits. :disgust:

My vet and also a friends vet said that in situtions like that they offer collard greens and bunnies will usually eat it. Don&#39;t ask me why but it seems to work. Elvis wasn&#39;t eatting any greens gave him some and he jumped right in.
theevenstarlight<WBR> wrote:
There are different recommendations out there, but House Rabbit Society said it&#39;s okay to introduce veggies at 3 months. I did that with myold rabbit, and she was fine.
I was thinking it was HRS that told me 6 mos. Our exotics vet is the one who told me that thinking back. I went with what they said first. I respect and appreciate rescues like HRS but a lot of times the people you deal with are just people who volunteer, have animals andhave no real training that decide what to tell people.
Here is a direct quote from HRS:

What quantities of food should I feed babies and "teenagers"?

My vet also said it was okay to introduce veggies at 3 months.
this makes me think of my old rabbit trixie. . .whenever we had pancakes for breakfast, she would jump on the table, steal one off a plate and dash to a wooden box in her cage to feast on her find.
LOL...thank you for the visual, katt...I think that just made my day! :laugh:

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