Thank you so much everyone, I can't tell you how much all the kind words mean to me.
Cheenisowner, I am having a hard time reading Sully. Physically she is doing great eating well, getting excercise. She and Drake were two girls against the world and have been through a lot together so I think she is lonely.
We still have Drakes cage out bc the plan was to move them both to Drakes cage after they rebonded and eventually we will move Sully to Drakes old cage (Sully's cage was temporary.) I cleaned Drakes cage as well as I could and used vinegar to try to remove any of Drakes scent. Sully will go into that cage and sit and I am not sure if she is doing that bc she misses her sister and can still smell her on the cage or if she just likes that cage...? We really havn't had her that long so we still have some more bonding to do so we will see...
She is definetly more mellow then she was before the spay. When we first brought Sully home she was pretty mellow (doesn't like to be touched tho) and when the hormones kicked in she became very edgy and destructive. So now after the spay she seems to be more like she was before the hormones but I am not sure if that is bc of the spay or bc she is lonely or both...
anyway that was a good little vent. How do rabbits usually deal with the loss of another rabbit? This is my first experience so I don't know what to expect.
Thank you everyone again for your support and for letting me vent. : )