So holly Hawk is male and every time I bring him in I see there kinda light brow patches on his fur and I think he’s chewing it I looked and I don’t see any sign of mites or fleas but yea here
Thanks I just saw this by my bed in the morning I let him in and saw this I broke it open but the outside it looked like a kidney bean I see hay in the poop so I know it’s a rabbit poop well I’m pretty sure but it felt like a kidney bean on the outside but on the inside as a normal rabbit poop is it bad
Papaya helps too. Rabbits don't usually like Pineapple. You can also buy rabbit "hairball" stuff online or at a pet store. But, I found Papaya works great and they LOVE it. It does help, just not to much as it is loaded with sugar.
he is definitely molting, especially if you are bringing him in from outside. This totally natural. Temperature changes will cause them to molt, as they don't need as much fur inside as they do outside. Don't be alarmed. Just watch that he keeps eating and pooping normally. Seeing fur in his poop is good, it means he is passing it.
I have to take back my post of "Rabbits don't usually like Pineapple". I did an experiment last night and gave all four of my girls a small piece of pineapple just to see if they would eat it. They gobbled it down so fast and were begging for more. So, apparently bunnies DO like pineapple. Good to know...all these years I have just been giving Papaya thinking they wouldn't touch the pineapple. I should have know better... Rabbits are also supposed to like apples. I tried giving my girls apple once and they turned their noses up.
They are picky little buns. My English spot is nothing more than a fur covered Dyson vacuum(even makes the funky sucking noise ) and the other is picky, but does love dried fruits. Attempt to give it to her in the fresh form, she turns her nose, but give it to her in the dried form, and she's growling at you for more.
That is so funny about the sucking noises. My little mini rex sucks her water up instead of lapping it up. She too sounds like a vacuum making the funny sucking noises. They are so funny.
I think the dried fruits are sugary, so that is why they love them so much.