Yes. The best advice I can give you is"read". The "Cheat Sheet" on this forum is a great startingplace. I knew nothing about rabbits when I got my first onelast September.
How old is the bunny? It needs unlimited hay and water at alltimes. It needs unlimited pellets until it is about threemonths old, then you feed based on it's size. Mine each get1/4 cup twice a day, but your may require more or less. Afterthree months of age, you'll need to provide fresh vegetables as well,but they need to be introduced one at a time to make suretheydon'tcause stomach upset. There arelists of acceptable vegetables all over this site.Ithink that is covered on the "Cheat Sheet" thread too.
I don't want to overwhelm you with too much info, but I wantedtofill you in on thesubject of feeding becausethat's what I needed the most help with.