Rabbit cages

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Mar 7, 2005
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We purchased a bunny for my son to give him onEaster. My husband would like to build a wooden cage for the new bunny.I am wondering if anyone has any pictures of their cage or know where Ican find some. Also, if anyone has any design plans that would begreat. I would like a cage that has two separate areas. One for therabbit to sleep and one to play in. Thanks!!!
P.S. Please read through the CheatSheet for Rabbit Care post at the top of this forum. Ithas some great websites and book recommendations, and some of theinformation may be helpful to keep in mind while you're husband isbuilding the cage.

Yes this is our first rabbit ever! Me nor my husband have ever had one even when we were kids!!! Any pointers?

I spacious and cheap housing option is usingstorage cubes that you put together yourself. You can but them atTarget or other similar stores. I just posted my setup in the cagesthread. Others have similar cages and it works GREAT! It's easy andvery versatile. Check it out.
Hi Alishia, and welcome to the forum,

Pebbles is our first rabbit too. We had her for 3 monthsnow. We keep our rabbit in a cage when we are not around andat night. Other times she gets free run in thehallway, bunny-proofed of course. We also use wireshelving similar to the storage cubes to make portable penstouse around the house.

Rainbows! :)

Yes. The best advice I can give you is"read". The "Cheat Sheet" on this forum is a great startingplace. I knew nothing about rabbits when I got my first onelast September.

How old is the bunny? It needs unlimited hay and water at alltimes. It needs unlimited pellets until it is about threemonths old, then you feed based on it's size. Mine each get1/4 cup twice a day, but your may require more or less. Afterthree months of age, you'll need to provide fresh vegetables as well,but they need to be introduced one at a time to make suretheydon'tcause stomach upset. There arelists of acceptable vegetables all over this site.Ithink that is covered on the "Cheat Sheet" thread too.

I don't want to overwhelm you with too much info, but I wantedtofill you in on thesubject of feeding becausethat's what I needed the most help with.


here's our hand-built cage, if you like it, andare seriously considering building something like it, tell me and i'llgo take deminsions.


[align=left]If this is your first rabbit, you may wish to purchase a wire hutch from a supplier in your area. [/align]

[align=left]This will give you the opportunity to bring the hutch inside and out. [/align]

[align=left]If you are set on building a wooden structure for outside,consider building it so the wire hutchcan fix intoit.

I'vebeen thinking about making wire cages myself and decidedit is better to buy them already built from my favorite small animalsupply/cage maker. [/align]

[align=left]They do a far better job than I could, they look great, last longand clean up well.

The last time I built cage I sliced my knuckles to the bone. It still hurts.

What kind of rabbit did you get?
Ok well thanks for all the advice! We are stilldebating what we want to do. I am not sure what kind of bunny wegot....:?!!!! She doesn't have completely straight ears, but theyaren't completely loppy either. Her back feet are long and big. She iswhite, with black and grey spots and with different shades of brown onher too. She is just beautiful. I will have to post pictures soon!!!Her name is Thumper....my son picked it out! :)

Welcome to the forum alishia!!

You'll find a wealth of info and advice here. Definitely go through theCheat Sheet for caring for the bun. And check out the CagesOnly thread. There lots of good ideas on buying and making suitablecages.

We have 6 bunnies stayinginside and use Wabbitat cages.Colapsable wire w/ wire bottom and a plastic drop pan underneath. Ibought my last 2 cages on eBay for less than $50 includingshipping. Will he be and inside bunnie??

And yes...posting pictures is most encouraged....or we just keep bugging you!! ;)

Feel free to ask any questions, we have some very wise and experienced members.


:~) Jim

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