rabbit breeds - confused

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FrenchLopGirl1280 wrote:
I think they are mini lops. Are you located in UK? If youare then I don't know. If you ar located in the USA then they arediffently mini lops. I can give you a lot of information on them, ifyou want? This one is a rare color, I think. The black one is seen alot. I like this one below, a lot. That one is a broken orange. Thesolid black is just like my sisters.



Jack and Marshmellow's mom
jack and marshmellow's mum any info you could give me would be great Iknow jack who is the black one is a dwarf lop is a mini lop the same asa dwarf lop if it is then im really concerned for jackshealth. Do you know roughly how much pellet hetti should befed? we give her just enough to cover the bottom of her bowl at themoment (approx 25g like she was a dwarf) thanks for your help.
FrenchLopGirl1280 wrote:
that image of hetti looks just like my rabbit which wethought was a mini lop but turned out to be a Holland lop. She passedaway around 9 months ago. I'm crying now. Her name was Coconut. Shedied when she was only 1 and she had a miscarriage and died sadly. Ihad to tell her that it's okay for her to go because she was trying tohold on for me. I just keep crying when I think about her.

Marshmellow and Jack's mom

I'm sorry marshmellow please dont cry if u lived locally you could comeplay with her if u like. yesterday i made her a cardboard boxhouse... i only gave it one door as it took ages to cut and she spent 2mins creating another door cardboard bits everywhere.

I know what u mean about saying goodbye to your pets though,, we had abudgie called joey that had breathing problems and i said goodbye tohim one night before going to bed and the next morning i found he hadpassed away..some how makes it easier knowing u said goodbye.. i'msorry if i've upset you *big hug*