I just put my doe with my buck (both first timers) the whole time my doe was running away and making this wierd sound she almost seemed scared of him even though she is bigger then he is. is this normal what should I do( I want to breed them)
Hey, after having patience with them both, the buck managed to be successful a couple times. although the doe still wasn't happy with himFor most first time females they don't want to breed. It's perfectly normal for her to acting that way. Although it is frustrating, believe me, I know. What always seems to work for me is putting the female with the male and if she isn't willing taking her out and checking her vent about 4 to 6 hours later. If it's swollen and red, she is probably ready to be bred.
However, is there another time she could have gotten to him and already be pregnant? That may also be why she doesn't want anything to do with him.