It could definatly be a Holland. It actually has more of the Holland look to it. Look at how short it's ears are. I have some mini's that have short ears, but most of them, especially anything that would end up in a pet store, would have longer ears.
This is what they taught us in 4H, Hollands ears are the shortest, they can only go 1/4 inch below their chins, Mini Lops ears touch the table, French Lops will fold over on the table, and English Lops ears are at least 2 feet long.
It's not that hard to tell the difference when you use that as a reference.
This rabbit also looks like it weighs maybe 5 lbs at most. Most Mini Lops, especially anything that would wind up at a pet store are going to be at least 6 lbs. I do have a doe that is registered at 4.12 lbs, but that is very unusual for Mini's to be so small. It is more likely to be a BUB Holland, that has gone to the 4+ Lbs line....