Rabbit Branded in ear???

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New Member
Apr 25, 2006
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Portage, Michigan, USA
Hello, I found a huge rabbit in myback yard that I think may have been dropped off or lost. It isrefusing to eat hay, grass or pellets. And will drink only when I forceit by syring in her mouth. I notice it has been branded likea cow on the inside of the right ear. If anyone can help me I would bevery happy!

Thanks, Denice


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Since I'm kinda a rookie all over again, all Ican tell you for sure is that the tatoo was made with a electric tattooneedle. That probably means it's either a show rabbit, or 4-h rabbit,or was at least considered a show or breeder prospect at some point.Looks like either a mini or french lop, hard to tell from the picture.Is it acting lethargic at all? Some rabbits won't eat initially ifthey're scared. But, if it's lethargic or has diahrrea it's probablygonna need a vet quick.
Many rabbits used for showing or breeding havehad their ears tattooed. A tattoo is usually made up of specificletters and numbers. Tattoos help the breeders to identify certainrabbits in their barn or on the showing table. I think you shouldcallthe shelters and veterinary clinics in your area and tellthem you found a rabbit in your yard.You should give a briefdescription, it looks like a ChestnutAgoutiMini Lopfrom the picture, and see if anyone has reported a rabbit missing. Fromthe pictureof the tattoo it looks like the first five numbersand letters areDORO6 with the sixth number possibly another6. In a case like this the person reporting the rabbit missing wouldalso give outthe numbers andlettersoftattoo sopeople would know without adoubtwhether they had that specific rabbit or not.

As for the not eating and drinking try giving her some wet Romainelettuce or a carrot. That might encourage her to eat more. Also trylooking in the Infirmary for other posts on a rabbit not eating ordrinking. Those post will go into more detail about different thingsyou can do to help her. For now I would just let her rest she hasprobably been through a lot today.

Thanks for the info...I will start callingaround in the morning. I don't think a carrot would be a good ideathough. I had to shave off a baseball size clump of dry poop off herbottom today because she smelled sooo bad. I gave her a bath with warmwater and brushed a lot of loose hair from her coat. She is so sweetand gentle. I notices a white discharge coming from her eyes todaywhile I was holding her. She dosn't want to run and play either, shejust sits with her back feet all the way up to her ears.Denice
It sounds like you need to get her to a vet asfast as possible. Her not eating and having a discharge from her eyesis not a good sign. But you shouldtry to gether toeat so maybe some lettuce (not Iceberg) set out in front of her wouldhelp. Please do both of you afavor and get her to a vet assoon as you can.


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