I think the bottom line is many vets will chargewhat the traffic will bear and much of it depend upon where youlive. Here is NJ the $200-$300 numbers are often bandiedabout, so we get our procedures done throught the auspices of a localcivic organization called Animal Birth Control, Inc.thatbrokers reasonably priced surgeries for petowners through its contracted vet, who coincidentally happens to be ourown vet of choice, anyway. It is a win/win for us and we end up payinghalf what we would be forced to pay otherwise.
Some local SPCA's, animal control departments, animal rescue centersperform similar services for the communities they represent and mighteven do so for you at no cost! It does pay to shop arounduntil you arrive at a cost and a confidence level you are prepared tomove forward with.
High prices do not predict better services or no problems later, and,conversely, lower cost services are not all bad, either. Agood question to ask is how many rabbits have been lost under your carefor a spay/neutering and have many have you done totally?