question on pedigree info

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SweetPeasDaddy wrote:
While we are on Pedigree questions, I have a little questionfor yunz. How do you get your bunny to be aPedigree? I know it sounds stupid, but I am new to all ofthis and I thought I would just chime and start asking questions Ihave. Please don't laugh till you puke.:bunnydance:
No laughing here because I didn't know this until recently.

A pedigree is something that the breeder gives you - particularly whenyou buy a showbunny - but not usually when you buy a petbunny. It gives your bunny's information for threegenerations - the name of the sire and dam, their color, etc.For instance, I can look at my chichilla buck's pedigree and see thathe had certain colors in his lineage from his great grandparents andalso their names and the breeder who bred them.


P.S. No question is stupid...but I'm sure you knew that since you were willing to ask!
Oops- I should have added that otherthings can go on the pedigree - like awards won, weight as a senior,date of birth, etc.

I just listed the ones I thought of right off...

Do you have papers for your bunny now?You get them from the breeder you purchased from. If youadopted a rabbit or if you bought it at a pet store, it may not havepapers. There is really no way to get papers unless youbought it from a breeder. ;)

SweetPeasDaddy wrote:
While we are on Pedigree questions, I have a little questionfor yunz. How do you get your bunny to be aPedigree? I know it sounds stupid, but I am new to all ofthis and I thought I would just chime and start asking questions Ihave. Please don't laugh till you puke.:bunnydance:

A comment on the Stupid question thingy :::
The Only Stuipd question thereis , is the one not asked .

A Question you m ay feelis stupid or off thewall, MAY in fact actually turn outto be a Life saver ,or an Important QuestionSomeone else needs to know ,. NeverBe afraid to ask Questions , IfOne person doesnt know theanswer Someone Else will andIf not Some one isalways ready and willing to look it up .
It's not a silly question at all!Being pedigreed just means that someone has kept track of a bunniesancestry, from his/her parents back 3 generations to the "great-grandparents". It looks like a Family tree of the bunny!

Tells you his Breed, birthday, color (variety), etc. It willgive you info on his parents and beyond as to ear number (iftattooed) , color (variety) weight, if they are registered or GrandChampioned, if they had any winnings at shows (and earned any "legs"towards a Grand Championship), etc.

If you are breeding for show or to work on/perfect a good trait oreliminate a bad trait, it can be invaluable. If you breed ablue Flemish and a Black Flemish and get light grays... the pedigree(if it's honest and true) may tell you where the extra color camefrom... (btw, light grays out of blue/blacks is NOT a good thing...LOL!)

A pedigree is only as good as the person that wrote it. So you are takeing the person word for the animal's lineage.

Hope this all helps.
I want to get lots of information on theseFlemishes. My husband came up with something the other night. There areno good breeders with in 45 mins of pgh or less. So we thought whenwemove to our new home this winter hopefully or the latestnext spring. We thought of becoming a flemish breeder eventually. Sothat is why I got my hubby to sign up on here to show off sweetpea andlearn about flemmies as well. He as also fell in love with thelionheads too. The house we are getting is fully insulated in thegarage and is very big. So when we get the place we are gonna makestrong platform out of wood with castor wheels to set the nic cages onit. We can wheel them out to clean the garage and if something wouldhappen we can wheel them out as well. SweetPea's cage is a 2x6 and 2high it is pretty heavy by the time you put the bun in there with allher accessories.
SweetPeasMommie wrote:
We thought of becoming a flemish breeder eventually. So thatis why I got my hubby to sign up on here to show off sweetpea and learnabout flemmies as well. He as also fell in love with the lionheads too.

Ok...I will say I AM prejudiced....but why not breed BOTH flemmies andlionheads? I was really really nervous about breedinglionheads but they have a reputation of being easy to breed....

I'd love to breed flemmies too....but there is no way Art will letme. He knows I'd NEVER part with a flemmy.....however, asmuch as I love lionheads -he knows I can control myself there (notenough cage space to keep 'em all).

Anyway - send your hubby my way if he wants lionheadinformation.....but I do think breeding flemmies is a goodidea. There can never be too many flemmies..

I think he mentioned breeding lionheads headstoo. We saw one at a petstore back few mos ago and his mom was with us.She did not like it. Well it was a petstore and they don't really brushthem much so yeah they may look funny if not brushed. I jsut love themears with fluffy face.
I want to get lots of information on these Flemishes.

Please don't hesitate to ask anything... If I can help out inany way, please let me know! They are only a little different than"regular" bunnies! LOL!

The lionhead looked really sloppy there at thepet store, but I though he was adorable anyway. I love thelionheads. One thing I should point out about our new housethat Angel forgot to mention is that the garage is heated and airconditioned as well. There is a slight leak but they aregoing to fix it before we move in. I am really hoping that wecan move in before winter to save on the 400 dollar gas bills eachmonth. If we cant we are screwed. I am lookingforward to this with the bunnies. I think this will be fun.

Now the next question I have is this, since sweet pea is not apedigree, how would I make it so that her lineage can bePedigree? Is this possible from a non Pedigreerabbit? If so then what do I need to do? I wouldlove to get all of my "ducks in a row", (I really hate that phrase), soif we do decide to breed them, we can be as prepared aspossible.

OOOOOHHHHH I'm getting an itch for this LOL:ponder::elephantslide:
Yeah it would be nice to breed SweetPea. She issuch a beautiful girl and so sweet. Never tried to chew anything andloves to play out during floor time.
You got Sweetpea from a breeder right? I'd askthem for info..they may charge you 5 bucks or so...but thats where Iwould start. Keely came with papers, even tho I just wantedher for a pet.
SweetPeasDaddy wrote:
That sounds like a great start. I amgladI thought of that:p We will see what we cando. After that though, what do we do?
When you get the buck you plan to breed her with - make sure to get hispedigree papers also. Then - when you breed them - you willuse that information to create your own pedigree for your babies.

Check your PMs in about 5 minutes - I'll send you a sample one if I can copy and paste it ok.

Thank you Tinysmom. I emailed her but I thinkshe said that if she wanted her mom or dad peds she would have to payextra 30 bucks and she did not have it on her. Jen has more info on it.
hi and thanks Peg. This is somethingthat we are really getting excited about and interested in. Iam looking forward to learning all I can about this and going throughthe process sounds about as exciting as it gets. I will checkmy messages now and get back to you.
BlueGiants wrote:
Please don't hesitate to ask anything... If I can help out inany way, please let me know! They are only a little different than"regular" bunnies! LOL!


Hi Cathy, :wave:

I did get quite a chuckle out of this comment about how Flemish areonly a 'litttle' different from regular breeds! *laughs*

Love it when people think that they're gettinga 'regularrabbit', and then theyencountera Flemish.

Touche on that comment!

If you're looking for information about showing, breeding or caring fora Flemish, go to an expert like Pamnock or a Flemish breeder that hasexperience around them as you do and are expert in your ownstudiesor a Flemish Pet Owner. Without adoubt, they're most thorough and helpful when it comes to questions andlearning about what's best for them and their health and showrequirements.


If you're looking for information aboutshowing, breeding or caring for a Flemish, go to an expert like Pamnockor a Flemish breeder that has experience around them as you do and areexpert in your own studiesor a Flemish PetOwner. Without a doubt, they're most thorough andhelpful when it comes to questions and learning about what's best forthem and their health and show requirements.


Thanks Carolyn. I will definintely take you up on that info. I really appreciate it

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